Wed 26 March 2025
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There are a number of journals published in print and online that serve the Higher Education community of creative writers. These include the publications of AWP (The Writer's Chronicle), AAWP (TEXT), and NAWE (Writing in Education and Writing in Practice: The Journal of Creative Writing Research).

Also included in the list below are some of the literary magazines published by individual universities. Please contact us if you wish to add to this llist. We are publishing here some of the creative work itself - under the university headings on the left. 

A full list of literary magazines accepting open submissions is being added the Writer's Compass Resources section.

For details of current calls for contributions, click here.

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Axon: Creative Explorations is an international peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the characteristics of creativity and the creative process. It is published by the Centre for Creative and Cultural research at the University of Canberra. Read more...

Coventry Words
Coventry Words is a bi-annual magazine for students at Coventry University to showcase their work. Students who are studying creative writing alongside literature and linguistics on the English BA degree are actively involved with editing and contributing to the site and the magazine.  Read more...

Journal of Creative Writing Studies is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by the Creative Writing Studies Organization. It publishes research that examines the teaching, practice, theory, and history of creative writing. Read more...

New Writing, the International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing, welcomes the submission of both creative and critical work. Read more...

From students on the Creative Writing Programmes at the University of Kent, a selection of poems, short prose and stories.  Read more...

This is a new, peer-reviewed journal looking at the short story from a practice-based perspective. It is seeking articles which explore the poetics of short-story writing (its reading, adaptation and translation) and the place of the short story in global culture. Read more...

TEXT is the online journal produced by the Australasian Association of Writing Programs (AAWP). Read more...

The Black Market Review, Edge Hill University's new literary e-journal, invites submissions of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, essays, art, photography, translations, and book reviews for its inaugural issue.  Read more...

Writing by students at York St John University.

The Writer's Chronicle
The Writer's Chronicle is the journal of AWP, the Association of Writers and Writing Programs.  Read more...


The NAWE magazine serves the UK creative writing community, and links with similar organizations overseas. Edition No. 43 focused exclusively on Higher Education, but HE articles and news items are always included.

Writing in Practice: The Journal of Creative Writing Research, is published by NAWE, annually. Volume 2 now available.


In the US, the AWP connects all writing programs and publishes 6 times per year. Read more.