Sat 22 February 2025
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TEXT is the online journal produced by the Australasian Association of Writing Programs (AAWP).
In 1996 members of the AAWP established the online journal, TEXT, an independent refereed journal which publishes a wide range of research, reviews and debates on creative and professional writing and the teaching of writing in academic and industry contexts.

TEXT is sponsored by the AAWP and the editors' host universities: Griffith University, School of Arts and University of Canberra, School of Creative Communication. In 2008 there are 1100 subscribers to TEXT, approximately 300 of them accessing the journal from Australia, New Zealand, the UK and Asia, and 800 in North America.

TEXT is published by the Australian Association of Writing Progams

Editors: Nigel Krauth & Jen Webb
Poetry and prose editor: Steve Evans
Reviews editor: Enza Gandolfo
Special Issues editor: Donna Lee Brien
Digital writing editor: Jason Nelson

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