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You are here: Home > Writing in Education > Writing at University > Journals > The Writer's Chronicle
The Writer's Chronicle
The Writer's Chronicle is the journal of AWP, the Association of Writers and Writing Programs.
Now in its forty-first year, The Writer's Chronicle presents essays, articles, news, & information designed to enlighten, inform, & entertain writers, editors, students, & teachers of writing. AWP members can read the articles online on eLink.

Newly expanded, the Chronicle lists information on grants, awards, fellowships, websites, conferences/centers/festivals, & publishing opportunities in every issue. Each issue of the Chronicle also features news on the national literary scene, including updates on AWP's Annual Conference and information on AWP's contests, such as the AWP Award Series.

The Chronicle is published six times a year during the two academic semesters: September 1, October 15, December 1, February 1, March 15, and May 1. The editors welcome unsolicited manuscripts but cannot return them unless accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelopes.

Contributing Editors:

Kazim Ali; Barrie Jean Borich; Mark Doty; Heid E. Erdrich; Robin Hemley; Jen Hofer; Quraysh Ali Lansana; Don Lee; Joyelle McSweeney; Pablo Medina; Christopher Merrill; Gregory Orr; Emmy Pérez; Prageeta Sharma; Crystal Williams; Richard Yañez

Contact the Chronicle at or write to The Writer's Chronicle, AWP, MSN 1E3, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444. 
The Writer's Chronicle
Additional Information:
via subscription, or $20 per annum
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