Tue 25 March 2025
NAWE aims to put creativity at the heart of education. NAWE is a charity funded largely by its members fees and donations.
Membership Benefits
Free Insurance
Terms & Conditions of Membership
Code of Conduct
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NAWE is a membership organization. Our membership includes writers, teachers, students, academics, literature development workers, librarians, universities, colleges and arts organizations.

NAWE aims to put creativity at the heart of education. We believe that everyone should have contact with practising artists - and especially writers. We believe in the importance of the practice and teaching of creative writing.

Join NAWE and become both patron and beneficiary of our work.

We offer six kinds of membership:

  • Professional Membership: £75 per annum
  • Professional Graduate Membership: £37.50 per annum
  • Student/Associate Membership: £30 per annum
  • Institutional Membership: from £195 per annum
  • Overseas Membership: from £30 per annum
  • E-Membership: £15 per annum

See the Membership Benefits page for a full breakdown.

If you would like to join NAWE, please use the online Membership Form, by clicking the button at the bottom of this page, which enables you to pay online. You can alternatively request an invoice, please note this is payable within 14 days of the invoice date. Our preference is for payment by Direct Debit but we also accept payment by cheque or by direct bank transfer (please email or phone for details). 

If you are re-joining NAWE after a period away, you can renew your membership by logging-in to the Members' Area using the email address your membership was registered under previously. If you cannot remember your password please re-set it using the 'Forgotten your password' link.

Please note, you as an individual member or your institution is responsible for any bank fees that occur during international transactions. Correct calculations of the exchange rate and any fees must be made, as we expect to receive the membership fee in full.


NAWE Magazine

The NAWE Magazine is available online to members 3 times a year. View the full catalogue of previous editions.