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University of Bolton
This degree provides an exceptional opportunity to enhance both your creative and analytical abilities by developing your creative writing talents alongside the critical study of English through literature. As you might imagine, these disciplines complement each other in ways that are mutually beneficial; for instance, how better to understand the workings of a sonnet than by writing one of your own? Read more...

The MPhil/PhD in Creative Writing is for writers who want to embark on a course of sustained study and research at a high level of academic and creative achievement. Your studies will consist of research into a specific subject area relevant to your chosen field of creative endeavour and a substantial work of creative writing, consisting of a collection of poems, a prose work or a dramatic script for stage, screen or radio. The subject of your academic study and your creative writing submission will be agreed with your tutor during the process of your application. Read more...

This course may be combined with another subject to make a combined honours degree. All our tutors have are professional writers whose recent publications include everything from short stories, novels and poetry anthologies to stage plays, radio dramas and short films. As well as being published writers many of our in-house staff and visiting professors are award winners, collecting prizes from organisations like the BBC. Be inspired by our well-established programme of readings by poets and novelists. We equip students with excellent language, writing and communication skills with an emphasis on creativity. The University has a creative partnership with Bolton’s award-winning Octagon Theatre and is a learning partner with the BBC. The course prepares students, academically and professionally, for all avenues of creative writing including, poetry, short stories, novels, drama, stage, screen and radio. Read more...

This is an undergraduate programme staffed by experienced, professional writers. The emphasis is on recreating professional practice and preparing you for a career in the creative industries and beyond. We will help you develop creative and critical skills that make the most of your talent. We have strong links with a wide range of professional practitioners (e.g. actors, directors, producers, publishers, literary agencies, etc.) who participate in a vibrant programme of visiting speakers and seminars. The University has a creative partnership with Bolton’s award-winning Octagon Theatre and is a learning partner with the BBC. This course is also available as a Combined Honours Degree. Read more...

Experience the only taught Masters in the region dedicated to children’s literature. Explore contemporary children’s fiction, picture books, graphic novels and film, within cultural and historical contexts. Learn from published experts, including the author of The Routledge Companion to Children’s Literature. Develop your own writing skills and improve your chances of having work published. Read more...
