Wed 26 March 2025
Writing Courses
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University of Bolton

Creative Writing

This course may be combined with another subject to make a combined honours degree. All our tutors have are professional writers whose recent publications include everything from short stories, novels and poetry anthologies to stage plays, radio dramas and short films. As well as being published writers many of our in-house staff and visiting professors are award winners, collecting prizes from organisations like the BBC. Be inspired by our well-established programme of readings by poets and novelists. We equip students with excellent language, writing and communication skills with an emphasis on creativity. The University has a creative partnership with Bolton’s award-winning Octagon Theatre and is a learning partner with the BBC. The course prepares students, academically and professionally, for all avenues of creative writing including, poetry, short stories, novels, drama, stage, screen and radio.
Duration 3 years full time.
Level BA Combined Hons
Cost UK Home/EU Tuition Fees 2012/13: £6,300. International Tuition Fees: £9,400.
The course is focused on supporting your development as a writer. As with other courses at the University of Bolton, the Creative Writing degree reflects the practice of professionals in the field, and you are encouraged to learn from the way that professional writers work and building up an understanding of your own creative process at the same time. Our tutors draw on their experience as professional writers to help you to turn your abilities and ambitions into achievements. All students take The Writing Industry module and meet writers and other industry professionals, while undertaking work-related projects and placements involving areas such as publishing, production and literary festival organisation. The Writer at Work module taken in the final year offers the opportunity of a professional placement. Our students have undertaken work experience in theatres, television and film companies, publishers, schools, community writing groups and many more. Visiting writers: our programme of readings by novelists, poets and drama professionals is among the best in the country.
(typical offer) 240 UCAS points from at least two A2-levels (or equivalent) in any subjects. You should also have five GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent) including English. If English is not your first language you will also need IELTS 6.0 (or equivalent). If you do not meet the entry requirements for this course please consider our Access to HE Diploma: English & Creative Writing.
Level 1: A general introduction to the conventions and techniques of creative writing, as well as an introductory look at the contexts within which writers work. All students take introductory modules in Writing for Stage, Screen and Radio and Writing Poetry and Fiction. Level 2: Guided study and practice. Here you continue your studies in Writing Fiction, Drama and Poetry, enhancing your understanding of craft and learning the professional skill of redrafting. You will also follow a module on employability within the creative industries. Level 3: Supported independent study. Study at this level is based on the Writing workshop. There are options in Writing Drama, Fiction and Poetry, where your work will be shared with other students in workshops guided by your tutor. Students are encouraged to take a professional placement and learn more about the world of work. All students will undertake a major project, a substantial body of creative work, supervised by a tutor and redrafted at least once.
Contact Information
Institution University of Bolton
Deane Campus
Deane Road

Tel: +44 (0)1204 903247 (Les Smith)
Department: School of Arts, Media and Education
Contact Name: Les Smith (Creative Writing Programme Leader)
Contact Email: /