Wed 26 March 2025
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University of Bolton

PhD Creative Writing

The MPhil/PhD in Creative Writing is for writers who want to embark on a course of sustained study and research at a high level of academic and creative achievement. Your studies will consist of research into a specific subject area relevant to your chosen field of creative endeavour and a substantial work of creative writing, consisting of a collection of poems, a prose work or a dramatic script for stage, screen or radio. The subject of your academic study and your creative writing submission will be agreed with your tutor during the process of your application.
Duration 3 years Full-time: Supervision arrangements will be agreed with the course tutor. On average, students will be expected to see their tutor for an update on progress once every 2 weeks. MPhil:1.5 years
Level MLitt/MPhil, PhD
Cost Please contact Student Services on +44 (0)1204 903733 or +44 (0)1204 90349
The creative writing tutors within the School of Arts, Media and Education are all established writers whose work has been published or performed professionally. They have substantial experience in their field of creative writing and are able to offer a high level of knowledge and expertise in your selected area of study.
For the MPhil you should have at least a lower second class (2.2) honours degree in a relevant subject; upon satisfactory progress you will be able to transfer to the PhD. For the PhD you should also have an MA (or other postgraduate qualification) in a relevant subject. If you have alternative qualifications and/or experience demonstrating appropriate knowledge and skills to begin doctoral study your application will be considered. Candidates with a first degree only will initially register as an MPhil student. After the first period of study, leading to important outcomes at this level, progress will be reviewed in the School and by the Board of Study for Research Degrees. The student may then upgrade to PhD level. Graduates with a relevant MA may be allowed to register directly as a PhD student and this possibility will be discussed at the time of application.
Research topics will be in the field of poetry, prose fiction or drama. The focus of your study will be agreed with your tutor during the process of your application. Examples of projects include a study of ‘victimhood’ in the novel in parallel with writing a novel involving victims, a study of metaphor in poetry as a means of helping people either as clients or therapists in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), war poetry and the poetry of confession. Students embarking on creative writing PhDs tend to have developed particular areas of interest as part of an MA in Creative Writing from Bolton or elsewhere. For example, you may have a particular fascination with a creative or formal problem in your art or an interest in how writing can help in the community. There are many possibilities and it is worth discussing your ideas with us.
Contact Information
Institution University of Bolton
Deane Campus
Deane Road

Tel: +44 (0)1204 903235
Department: School of Arts, Media and Education
Contact Name: Professor Jon Glover (Programme Leader) Joanne Carney: Research Student Administrator
Contact Email: /