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University of Bolton

English and Creative Writing

This degree provides an exceptional opportunity to enhance both your creative and analytical abilities by developing your creative writing talents alongside the critical study of English through literature. As you might imagine, these disciplines complement each other in ways that are mutually beneficial; for instance, how better to understand the workings of a sonnet than by writing one of your own?
Duration 3 years
Level BA Single Hons
Cost UK Home/EU Tuition Fees 2012/13: £6,300. International Tuition Fees: £9,400.
Our experienced academics and practising professional writers will help you enhance your natural creative talent with technical, analytical and self-reflective skills. You will be encouraged to view your own creative work in the context of a wide range of literary texts, both historical and contemporary. In addition, there will be opportunities to interact with visiting experts (academic and creative) and people engaged in the publishing and production industries.
240 UCAS points from at least two A2-levels (or equivalent) in any subjects. Applicants should also have five GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent) including English. If English is not your first language you will also need IELTS 6.0 (or equivalent). If you do not meet the entry requirements for this course please consider our Access to HE Diploma: English & Creative Writing.
Level 1: A general introduction to the conventions and techniques of creative writing and to the study of English at undergraduate standard. The English programme modules aim to introduce you to ways of reading texts informed by theory and historical context. The creative writing modules will introduce you to writing drama, fiction and poetry. Level 2: Guided study, developing the techniques introduced at Level 1 by closer examination of the particulars of writing. Your English programme will require you to study poetry, prose and drama in both historical and cross-cultural contexts. Modules include: Drama 1 (Core); Prose 2 (Core); The Writing Industry (Core); Study and Practice modules in Writing Drama, Fiction and Poetry (Options). Level 3: Supported independent study. The creative half of your degree will encourage you to explore your own enthusiasms using the skills you are continuing to acquire. You will be given the opportunity to produce a substantial piece of creative work as an honours project. Your English studies will offer the chance to focus on aspects which reflect your particular literary interests, and write detailed and fulfilling critical analyses.
Contact Information
Institution University of Bolton
Faculty of Arts and Media Technologies
Deane Campus,
Deane Road, Bolton

Tel: (Les Smith) +44 (0)1204 903247. (Alan Parkinson)
Department: Department of English and Creative Writing
Contact Name: Allan Parkinson (Programme Leader - English) Les Smith (Programme Leader - Creative Writing)
Contact Email: / /