Sat 22 February 2025
Writing Courses
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Aberystwyth University

What are the key features of the course? •Creative Writing offers a practical training in the craft of writing •You are encouraged to explore the possibilities of working in both poetry and prose •Writing workshops provide a forum for group discussion You will take a core module on narratology and poetics, which illuminates the theoretical approach to writing •You may be able to take up to two other relevant modules from the existing list of modules offered on the MA programmes in the Department of English •The Writing Portfolio is central – you are encouraged to produce your own work throughout the course, providing the experience of sustained long-term personal engagement with a major writing task. Regular individual tutorials are dedicated to your own portfolio •Creative Writing is available either part-time (over two years), or as a one year full time degree •Teaching will be provided by the core Creative Writing tutors working in collaboration with other members of the Department and specialists from the world of publishing. Read more...

This is a research-based course, 'research' in this context implying everything that is required to bring to completion a novel or substantial collection of poems, as well as to provide a critical/analytical account of the work produced. Read more...

This single honours scheme is taught by distinguished practising writers, and aims to develop both your creative and critical writing skills. It will help you to expand your range and capabilities as a writer, and enable you to work confidently in a variety of forms and genres. It will also help you to develop a reflective writing practice informed by knowledge of past and present writing, an understanding of the cultural and intellectual contexts in which literature is written and read, and an awareness of the range and variety of approaches to literary study and to the practice of writing. Read more...

The BA in Creative Writing is a vocational degree offered across the Institute of Literature Languages and the Creative Arts. This degree programme provides exciting and diverse opportunities for writing across a broad variety of forms and genres. Under the expert guidance of a team of award winning writers you will develop creative skills that will enable you to work confidently and effectively in a whole host of styles that are valued and widely sought by employers. You will study with staff across the departments of English & Creative Writing, Theatre, Film & Television Studies and Welsh & Celtic Studies. Our aim is to stimulate, encourage and challenge your creativity in these diverse settings, ensuring that by the end of your degree you will have not only a portfolio of exceptional creative material but also the skills and attributes to flourish in any workplace that demands the craft of the written word. Read more...

The Aberystwyth Master's course in Literature and Creative Writing is your opportunity to combine the practice of creative writing with an in-depth exploration of literary studies. You will be required to engage with a range of writers and writing techniques so that you can develop your own creative approach and improve your own writing. You will also engage in discussions about theory and the wider issues of textual analysis and the craft of writing, including writing for publication and the importance of research. You will receive individual tuition from expert departmental staff and, under their guidance, produce a substantial dissertation or portfolio of creative writing. In addition, you will develop a host of key transferable skills which will help you excel in further academic study or employment. Read more...

The BA in Creative Writing at Aberystwyth University’s Institute of Literature, Languages and Creative Arts, provides exciting and diverse opportunities for writing across a broad variety of forms and genres. As well as being able to study this as a Single Honours Scheme (W801) you can study it alongside a range of other subjects within the Institute. The following Joint Honours combinations are currently available: ?English and Creative Writing Degree (BA, 3 year)(see separate entry) ? Creative Writing and Art History ?Creative Writing and Cymraeg Degree (BA, 3 year) ?Creative Writing and Drama and Theatre Studies Degree (BA, 3 year) ?Creative Writing and Film and Television Studies Degree (BA, 3 year) ?Creative Writing with Fine Art Degree (BA, 3 year) ?Creative Writing and German Degree (BA, 4 year) ?Creative Writing and Scenography and Theatre Design Degree (BA, 3 year) ?Creative Writing and Spanish Degree (BA, 4 year) Under the expert guidance of a team of award-winning writers you will develop creative skills that will enable you to work confidently and effectively in a whole host of styles that are valued and widely sought by employers. In addition, your chosen joint honours scheme will provide an additional set of knowledge and skills which will further enhance your employability and interests. You will find Creative Writing and your chosen combination both demanding and rewarding. Our aim is to stimulate, encourage and challenge your creativity, ensuring that by the end of your degree you will have not only a portfolio of exceptional creative material but also the skills and attributes to flourish in any workplace that demands dexterity with the written word. Read more...

Aberystwyth University’s MA in Scriptwriting is a highly vocational and industry-focussed course of study which actively seeks to prepare you for work as a scriptwriter for screen and broadcast. You will gain the skills, knowledge and experience needed to enter the industry with confidence as well as finding the artistic stimulation to develop your own voice as a writer. This MA course is designed to give you a complete experience of the creative and practical processes of this specialist writing discipline. Upon completion of the degree, you will have created a portfolio of work to a professional standard, from initial concept to finished draft, and thereby be prepared for professional practice. Your course tutors possess a diverse range of professional experience from many quarters of the British Media industry and, based in the fabulously well-equipped Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies, you will find all the support, encouragement and expertise you need to emerge as a unique and highly competent scriptwriter. This course is wholly practical and focussed on preparing you for success within a highly competitive creative industry. Aberystwyth’s Masters in Scriptwriting will provide you with a suitable foundation of theory and practice that can inform your further pursuit of Scriptwriting in a professional context. By completing this MA, you will gain a systematic knowledge of theories and techniques deployed by professional Scriptwriters and you will graduate confident in your readiness for engagement with the fast-moving demands of a range of entertainment, art and broadcast industries. Read more...