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Aberystwyth University

English and Creative Writing

This single honours scheme is taught by distinguished practising writers, and aims to develop both your creative and critical writing skills. It will help you to expand your range and capabilities as a writer, and enable you to work confidently in a variety of forms and genres. It will also help you to develop a reflective writing practice informed by knowledge of past and present writing, an understanding of the cultural and intellectual contexts in which literature is written and read, and an awareness of the range and variety of approaches to literary study and to the practice of writing.
Duration 3 years
Level BA Single Hons
Cost For Academic Session 2014-2015: Home UK/EU Undergraduate Tuition Fees: £9000
Contact university for details
Year 1 In your first year you will take four core modules: Introduction to Fiction; Encountering Texts; Introduction to Poetry; and Ancestral Voices. Introduction to Fiction is designed to provide you with the basic knowledge needed for the successful writing of fiction. With specific emphasis on technical skills, it will provide a foundation of knowledge and technique that you can build on during your degree course. Encountering Texts focuses on a range of different approaches to reading and writing about literary texts of different periods. Introduction to Poetry works in tandem with Introduction to Fiction. It gives you the grounding in practical technique for writing poems, building confidence and skills, and introducing you to the work of a wide range of contemporary poets. The module explores basic shaping techniques before moving on to more technical considerations of metre and rhyme, and the often confusing ‘freedom’ of free verse. Ancestral Voices explores the genres of poetry, drama and prose through a detailed study of texts written before 1800 providing you with an excellent foundation for the study of early modern literature in your second and third years. You will also choose two options from a selection of dynamic and innovative modules which will deepen and broaden your creative and critical experiences. Transpositions, is based upon a series of writing tasks which involve ‘transposing’ a pre-existing piece of material in some way (for example, either from one medium to another, or from one genre to another). Contemporary Writing, introduces you to a range of poetry and fiction published in the last ten years. You may also choose to take literature modules such as Issues in Contemporary World Literatures or modules exploring ancient Greek and Roman culture and philosophy and how they have shaped and influenced our literature. Year 2 and 3 You will study a common core, to which you will add writing and literature options. The core consists of: Writing Fiction and Poetry; Literary Theory: Debates and Dialogues, and the final year modules Textual Interventions and the Writing Project, which will give you an opportunity to engage with an extended piece of your own writing in any form, including a longer piece of fiction, a collection of poems or short stories, or a dramatic text. You may select your writing options from a wide array of topics that reflect the creative practice and expertise of our writing staff. These research-led modules are an exciting opportunity for you to work closely with expert practitioners who will help you to hone and develop your own creative focus. For a taster of what we can offer you, take a look at the module profiles for some of our current students’ favourite writing classes.
Contact Information
Institution Aberystwyth University
Hugh Owen Building
SY23 3DY

Tel: 01970 622 535
Fax: 01970 622 530
Department: Department of English and Creative Writing
Contact Name: Dr Luke Thurston, Admissions Tutor
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