Wed 26 March 2025
Writing Courses
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Aberystwyth University

Creative Writing

What are the key features of the course? •Creative Writing offers a practical training in the craft of writing •You are encouraged to explore the possibilities of working in both poetry and prose •Writing workshops provide a forum for group discussion You will take a core module on narratology and poetics, which illuminates the theoretical approach to writing •You may be able to take up to two other relevant modules from the existing list of modules offered on the MA programmes in the Department of English •The Writing Portfolio is central – you are encouraged to produce your own work throughout the course, providing the experience of sustained long-term personal engagement with a major writing task. Regular individual tutorials are dedicated to your own portfolio •Creative Writing is available either part-time (over two years), or as a one year full time degree •Teaching will be provided by the core Creative Writing tutors working in collaboration with other members of the Department and specialists from the world of publishing.
Duration 1 year FT or 2 years PT
Level MA
Cost Full time study: UK and EU students £5600 (2015/6) International students £11,250 (2014/5) Part time study: UK and EU students £2800 (2015/6) International students £5625 (2014/5)
The course combines a strong research element, including modules in Research for Writers and Writing and Publication. Individual work is combined with modules in Fiction and Poetry Writing. Assessment takes the form of: portfolios of prose and poetry, including critical commentaries and annotated bibliographies; a case study of a research project; and a study of a particular publisher of creative writing or type of publication. In the third semester, each student will complete a Writing Portfolio of creative writing with a critical commentary. The Portfolio can be in the form of poetry (10,000 words) or prose fiction (20,000 words), but not a combination of the two. You will receive individual tuition from the excellent Departmental staff, many of whom are published creative writers.
2:1 Honours Degree
In common with the Department’s other MAs, this one has a modular structure. Each module comprises five weeks of study with a weekly two-hour group meeting, and provision for tutorial consultation. Students will take six taught modules in all. Full-time students will take three modules per semester, and part-time students three modules per year. In addition, students will produce a "Writing Portfolio", equivalent to the dissertation element of other MA courses, across one year for full-time, and two years for part-time students.
Contact Information
Institution Aberystwyth University
Hugh Owen Building
SY23 3DY

Tel: (01970) 622534
Fax: (01970) 622530
Department: Department of English and Creative Writing
Contact Name: Mrs Julie Roberts, Postgraduate Administrator
Contact Email: