Sat 22 February 2025
CPD Credit System
NAWE aims to put creativity at the heart of education. NAWE is a charity funded largely by its members fees and donations.
CPD Credit System
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CPD Credit System

Partners in the ArtWorks Navigator consortium are piloting a CPD credit system as a means for artists to demonstrate to prospective employers their commitment to professional development – and their experience. Up to 10 members of each organization can take part.

How it works

Each participant will:
  • Use a specially developed toolkit to help to identify training or learning needs
  • Undertake CPD to meet those needs
  • Record their engagement in CPD in their Log Book
  • Reflect on their learning
  • Submit their log book for review (via their membership organization)
When the pilot ends on 1 May 2015 they'll also be asked to provide some feedback (probably via a survey or possibly some selected phone interviews) on how they found the system, what they would change etc.
In recognition of our appreciation for their participation in the pilot they:
  • get free access to the tools
  • won't pay for participation in the first year of the Credit System if/when it's introduced
  • will be awarded a certificate of credit by their membership organisation in relation to the amount of CPD they've undertaken during the pilot
  • will be enabled to add the credit they accrued during the pilot to the first year of their (free) participation in the programme

Any NAWE member – at whatever stage of their career – is invited to put themself forward as a potential participant in this pilot programme. NAWE will then form a cohort, partly on a first-come, first-served basis, but also recognizing commitment to CPD and attempting to represent a variety of background and experience.

The pilot is being run by the Foundation for Community Dance.

Please send expressions of interest (a single page, highlighting experience and commitment) to Paul Munden by 1 October 2014.

ArtWorks Navigator
Navigator is led by the Foundation for Community Dance and includes the Artist Information Company & Artquest, Engage, Sound Sense and NAWE.

The professional organization for anyone involved in creating opportunities for people to experience and participate in dance.