Sat 22 February 2025
NAWE aims to put creativity at the heart of education. NAWE is a charity funded largely by its members fees and donations.
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ArtWorks: Developing Practice in Participatory Settings is a workforce scheme that seeks to meet the needs of artists at different stages in their careers - from the aspiring young artist embarking on training, to experienced practitioners who wish to progress their output. It is seeking to build on good practice to enhance the existing development infrastructure.

It has just published research and findings in this field of work on its website. The programme had its genesis in an extensive period of research which began in 2008 and now encompasses a number of strands. It funded a small number of pathfinder partnerships, built a community of practice on and offline and now organises events and publications.

The Paul Hamlyn Foundation believes that this is a unique opportunity to support an emerging network of artists, arts organisations and training providers wishing to contribute to this crucial development work. They want to ensure that there is the time, space and funding for shared learning. The scheme stems from a belief that artists who are given access to training and supported to develop their own practice will provide higher quality arts-led experiences. It operates under the overall objective of the PHF Arts programme: to increase access to and enjoyment of the arts in the UK.

ArtWorks A call to action: Report published March 2015

'Drawing on the learning from ArtWorks, this publication calls on the sector to build on our work and create better support for artists.  It sets out actions we believe must be taken if we are to see the changes our sector needs. Some of our recommendations are aimed at particular groups within the participatory arts ‘system’. Others apply to us all.'

NAWE is part of the 'Navigator' pathfinder group that includes other national membership organisations. Towards the end of 2012, each partner within Navigator ran a Lab, exploring issues around the employment of artists. NAWE's Lab focused on writers working with people suffering from dementia.

ArtWorks: Developing Practice in Participatory Settings is a Paul Hamlyn Foundation Special Initiative with funding and support from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, Creativity Culture & Education (supported by Arts Council England) and the Cultural Leadership Programme.
There are 5 Pathfinder partnerships: 4 are regional (London, North East, Wales, Scotland) and one a cross-artform group of national umbrella organizations: Navigator is led by the Foundation for Community Dance and includes the Artist Information Company & Artquest, Engage, Sound Sense and NAWE.