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Open Space 2022
NAWE aims to put creativity at the heart of education. NAWE is a charity funded largely by its members fees and donations.
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NAWE Open Space 2022 - How do we live as writers?

Wednesday 30 November 2022, 10am-1.30pm, Online

Join us ONLINE on Wednesday 30th November 2022, 10am-1.30pm, for NAWE’s second Open Space event, where we’ll be digging into the question: How do we live as writers?

The aim of this Open Space event is to do some practical thinking and problem solving this central theme, to foreground the 2023 NAWE Conference 10-11 March 2023, which will focus on Living as a Writer.

NAWE’s Open Space will bring together writers, writers as educators and others who make up our ever-evolving sector to explore the big questions that matter to us right now.

What is Open Space?

For those new to Open Space Technology, the goal is elegant and simple: it’s about creating the space and time for those who attend to engage creatively and deeply with the issues that matter to them, often around a central but open question.

The agenda for the day is set by whoever is there. Participants are invited to bring an idea they want to test, a problem they need help to solve, a topic about which they would value a shared conversation or a provocation for the sector at large, and to explore it with their peers from up and down the country. Open Space events can often result in powerful and transformative experiences for all involved, new connections being made and a strong sense of shared purpose.

To kick us off, we’ll hear a couple of provocations in response to the central theme from special guests: writer, artist and educator Claire Collison and spoken word artist and educator Berkavitch.

‘Open Space’ isn’t about any one person or organisation taking control or promising to solve everything; rather, it’s way of bringing together people who want to address a complex issue, focus on what matters to them, make essential connections, and do what they think must be done. It’s about a culture of shared responsibility through which ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary things.

Attendees of the 2020 Open Space said what they valued most about the event was being part of a community: where they could share ideas and experiences and chat with peers to find solutions to what sometimes felt like intractable problems.

Join us on Wednesday 30th November for some mutual support and shared problem solving.

The event is FREE to attend but booking is essential. Please book your place here