Fri 28 March 2025
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Class Writing

A NAWE Research Report into the Writers-in-Schools Ecology

NAWE's three-year research programme explored the effectiveness of writers-in-residence working in schools. The project involved the placement of writers in nine schools across England (four primary and five secondary) over nine academic terms between September 2006 and July 2009.

The key questions were:
  • Do sustained residencies of writers in primary and secondary schools enhance the quality of writing and literacy of pupils?
  • If so, what  are the conditions which stimulate or prevent enhanced writing and literacy?
  • How is this enhancement demonstrated in pupils attainment, raised educational standards and  attitudes to writing?
The results are now published, together with recommendations for future partnerships between writers and teachers.

“It's exciting to see evidence that working with writers really does have a positive influence on pupils' levels of attainment. And we also have many new pointers to improve how writers' visits are managed - something that our network will now be putting into practice.” Paul Munden

“This project suggests that a programme of visits by writers working with children can, with positive school co-operation, raise standards of writing and so is a worthwhile investment, especially given the concomitant increase in pupils’ enjoyment and enthusiasm.” Sue Horner

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