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Writing Courses
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City College Brighton and Hove

Write Away! Creative Writing for Beginners

Come and have a go in a friendly and supportive environment. This workshop based course will introduce various kinds of creative writing, including autobiography, poetry and fiction.
Duration 10 weeks: 7-9pm
Level Open Access
Cost £99
Suitable for complete beginners and those who have already begun writing for fun, fame or fortune.
Open Access
We will explore techniques for sparking the imagination and tapping your inner creativity as well as developing skills and improving style.
Contact Information
Institution City College Brighton and Hove
City College Main Campus
Pelham Street

Tel: 01273 667788
Fax: 01273 667703
Department: Adult Education: History, Literature and Writing
Contact Name: Heather Reay
Contact Email: info@ccb.ac.uk