Wed 26 March 2025
Writing Courses
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City University London

The Novel Studio

The Novel Studio (formerly known as The Certificate in Novel Writing) offers 15 selected students the unique opportunity to work exclusively on their novels for a year. Six modules, taught by professional writers and editors, guide the student through the tricky terrain of novel writing, from plotting, planning and researching a novel, through to character development, pacing, narrative voice and style, revisions and editing.
Duration 2 evenings a week for 30 weeks. 18:30 to 20:30
Level Open Access, HE Level 1
Cost Fees: £2,100.00.
Students are also prepared for the presentation of their work to agents and publishers. By the end of the course, students will have developed the skills needed to draft their novels and the necessary materials to interest an agent in their work: three polished chapters, a professional-standard synopsis and a blurb. Students are also trained for public readings, culminating in a prestigious showcasing of their novels-in-progress to industry guests. With visits from established writers, agents and editors, the course has strong links with the publishing industry and an impressive publication record.
Prospective students must be willing to have their writing workshopped as part of the group and to engage actively in critiquing the work of their peers. Ideally students will also have completed a creative writing course. Acceptance onto the course is determined by interview and a submitted portfolio of original work, of no more than 2,000 words. Applicants must be proficient in written and spoken English for discussion and application of the materials throughout the course. To apply, please email: 2,000 words of your own fiction (short story or novel extract). Copy of CV.
The student will: Develop skills needed for plotting, planning and researching a novel. Learn to apply fictional techniques to their own work. Identify a range of fictional forms. Understand the narrative frameworks of varied literary and commercial novels. Learn various strategies for the crucial revising and editing stages. Understand the benefits of a community of writers, and the feedback opportunities this engenders. Understand the book publishing industry. Learn to apply constructive criticism to each others' work. Understand and demonstrate the discipline required to be a writer. Develop a responsiveness to language in the creation of fiction. Apply rhetorical skills of effective critical and creative communication, both oral and written, in the process of writing fiction. Research and apply findings to the planning of a sustained piece of fiction. Identify readerships and the wider commercial environment of the fiction market. Write and revise a sustained piece of fiction. Apply knowledge and skills to approach a literary agent and publisher. Present work to agents and publishers through an end-of-term reading.
Contact Information
Institution City University London
The Novel Studio
Northampton Square

Tel: +44 (0)20 7040 5060
Department: The Novel Studio
Contact Name: Emily Pedder, Course Director: The Novel Studio
Contact Email: