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City University London

Screenwriting: First Steps

Have you got a good idea for a film script but don't know where to begin? Screenwriting can seem like a dauntingly technical form. This screenwriting course shows you how to write a film script, with plenty of writing exercises and analysis of scripts and films. On completion of the screenwriting course, you will have the basic tools needed to write your own script: learning to write visually, working with character and conflict, building narrative. The main focus will be on screenwriting for the UK market but we will also look at the US and Europe. There will be a session on working within the UK film industry.
Level Open Access, HE Level 1
Cost Dates and Fees to be confirmed
Tutor Information: Dictynna Hood is a screenwriter and director. She has just completed her first feature 'Wreckers', starring Claire Foy and Benedict Cumberbatch.
Some knowledge of films and/or filmmaking.
Many filmmakers, actors and writers have ideas for a film script but lack the technical skills to develop the idea into the appropriate format for pitching or presenting to potential agents, collaborators or investors. This module will balance creative elements such as screenplay structure and screenwriting technique with industry insight into the place of script development in the filmmaking process.
Contact Information
Institution City University London
Enterprise Office (Admin) - Short Courses
Northampton Square

Tel: +44 (0)20 7040 8268
Department: Part-time Evening and Weekend Courses
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