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City University London

MA Creative Writing (Non-fiction)

The Creative Writing (Nonfiction) MA provides you with essential skills and a supportive and challenging environment in which to develop your reportorial and research skills, experiment with approaches to writing narrative nonfiction, reflect on their own and others' work, learn about the publishing industry, and shape a book-length work of narrative nonfiction into a marketable proposal. The course is designed to fit in with the lives of those already working full-time, with students coming in for two evenings per week over two years (with the occasional Saturday workshop). Extra workshops and lectures will take place on occasional Saturdays.
Duration Two years full time.
Level MA
Cost Course Fees: Full-time EU: £8,000 (total fee for two-year course). Full-time Non EU: £14,000 (total fee for two-year course). Students can apply for two industry-sponsored awards, which may lead to agent representation and cash prizes.
The ethos is excellence and diversity, drawing on domestic and international students of different ages, experiences and backgrounds. (Our definition of narrative non fiction includes biography, travel, history, life writing, true crime, sports and other forms of sustained and structured nonfiction storytelling.) In summary: this new course is the first of its kind in the UK, and aims to tap into the flourishing narrative nonfiction publishing market. The course, run mainly in the evening, will appeal to journalists, academics, subject experts, those wanting to write a memoir or family history, and many others exploring this form of literary journalism. It is led by award-winning writer and broadcaster Julie Wheelwright, an expert in the field of creative non-fiction. The course is unique as you leave with a complete full-length book, rather than a dissertation or other "academic" piece of work. You benefit from the central London location, giving you access to publishers and agents, research libraries, archives, and major media organisations.
You will normally have a UK Honours degree (in any subject) or the overseas equivalent. But successful completion of a certificate course in creative writing, or a professional qualification, or relevant experience may also be acceptable. The prime criteria are proven ability and commitment. You will need to submit 5,000 words of nonfiction and may need to attend an interview as part of the application process. (Overseas applicants may be interviewed by telephone.)
The course focuses on writing and research skills including identifying a subject, using archives, exploring genres and structuring material. You will also learn how to prepare a manuscript for publishers and agents. It offers a taught component,one-to-one-tutoring, workshops and opportunities to hear guest speakers. The course advisors, made up of leading figures from the non-fiction world, provide you with expert advice and direct exposure to the publishing industry. Modules: Experiments in writing (non-fiction), Literary criticism (non-fiction), Own book, The publishing industry (non-fiction). Teaching is based around a mix of practical workshops, seminars and lectures. All this is supported by one-to-one tutorials and by independent study: notably reading and preparing presentations on set texts and performing set writing exercises. As the course progresses, the emphasis shifts to independent study and is supported by workshops and one-to-one tutorials.
Contact Information
Institution City University London
School of Arts
Northampton Square

Tel: +44 (0)20 7040 3400
Department: Department of Creative Writing
Contact Name: Maria Prus, Programme Administrator: Creative Writing
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