Wed 26 March 2025
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Anglia Ruskin University

Journalism (Multimedia)

Gain the knowledge and skills you need to become a working journalist – including how to work with video, photography or online.
Duration 4 years
Level BA Single Hons
Cost UK & EU students (per year, for guidance only, based on studying at half the rate of a full-time student) £3,500
This course combines history, theory and technique and covers the full spectrum of journalism, including news, investigative and international, as well as the production methods behind radio, TV and online. There’ll be a strong practical element, with projects in every year and an internship in Year 3. You’ll also be able to gain experience with the regional and national organisations, including Big Yellow Box Magazine. Our facilities are excellent and include an ultra-modern Media and Journalism Centre in Peterborough city centre. This is equipped with industry-standard software packages, editing equipment and TV and radio studios. Professional journalists regularly visit to give talks about their work and our tutors have excellent media contacts to help you get a foothold in the business. Join us and you’ll be part of a great student community at UCP (University Centre Peterborough), in one of the UK’s most rapidly developing cities.
180-240 UCAS tariff points. Required subject(s): 3 A levels in related subjects. BTEC/Access required: a BTEC National or a full Access Certificate in a related subject. GCSEs required: 3 GCSEs at grade C or above in English, Mathematics and Science. You'll also need to have a written portfolio.
Level 4 modules •History of Journalism •Magazine Project 1 •Media Law and Ethics •News Writing 1 and News Writing 2 •Introduction to Video Level 5 modules •Magazine Project 2 •Photojournalism •Video or Radio Journalism •Politics •Shorthand •Online Journalism Level 6 modules •Press and Public Relations •Investigative Journalism •Dissertation •Internship •European and International Journalism Assessment There are some exams but mostly we’ll assess your progress through your portfolio, commissioned professional briefs, essays and your performance during internships or group work.
Contact Information
Institution Anglia Ruskin University
Anglia Ruskin University (Peterborough Campus)
Guild House, Swain Court,
Oundle Road, Peterborough

Tel: +44 (0)1223 69 57 50
Department: Faculty of Arts, Laws and Social Sciences
Contact Email: