Wed 26 March 2025
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City University London

Introduction to Creative Writing

This Creative Writing short course is for writers of both prose and poetry. It takes a practical look at the craft of writing. Each week focuses on a particular topic, including characterisation, dialogue, imagery and narrative. Creative writing course class exercises, weekly writing assignments and analysis of published authors will develop your grasp of techniques and enable you to explore and improve your writing. You will be encouraged to listen to each other's work.
Level Open Access
Cost Dates and Fees to be confirmed.
Sara Boyes (BA Hons, MA) has contributed poems to a number of anthologies including Images of Women and and has also produced three collections of poetry: Kite and Wild Flowers from Stride and Black Flame from Hearing Eye. For fourteen years she worked in community theatre, writing and acting in plays. She teaches creative writing courses at Birkbeck College and City University London.
Applicants of this creative writing course must be proficient in written and spoken English.
You will learn to identify the techniques involved in the craft of writing, to understand how these can be synthesised to form a complete work, to give, receive, apply and value constructive criticism, to produce a first draft. Informal assessment will take place through group discussion, class room activities, and questions and answers sessions as guided by your tutor.
Contact Information
Institution City University London
Enterprise Office (Admin) - Short Courses
Northampton Square

Tel: +44 (0)20 7040 8268
Department: Enterprise Office (Admin) - Short Courses
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