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City University London

International Publishing Studies

The International Publishing Studies MA is an exciting extension to our Publishing Masters and caters for experienced international industry practitioners. Your knowledge and business skills will be enhanced through expert teaching and industry projects, and you will be challenged to respond creatively to current global publishing trends, including the impact of digitisation. Core modules will be shared with MA Publishing Studies students, with additional teaching and support to analyse industry conditions in different international publishing sectors and markets. You will work directly with industry project sponsors and be offered a range of site visits.
Duration One year full time.
Level MA
Cost Course Fees: Full-time EU: £7,500. Full-time Non EU: £15,000. City University London's MA in International Publishing Studies invites applications for: the 2012-13 Matthew Hodder Trust Scholarship / the 2012-13 City University MA Publishing Scholarship/ the 2012-13 Stationers' Company Bursary.
The MA International Publishing Studies covers all types of publishing, from trade and specialist publications to novels and non-fiction, providing a thorough grounding in the drivers of commercial success for both print and digital products. Throughout the year, you will be offered additional teaching and projects to better understand both global publishing and the specific conditions in individual sectors and markets. While in London, you will be encouraged to gain informal placement experience throughout the year, if you wish. In Term 2 you will extend your business skills in the International Publishing Case Studies module by developing the key commercial skill of analysing businesses in detail in order to write business case studies, focusing on a company of your choice or in partnership with an industry sponsor.
You will need, as a minimum: a 2.1 honours degree or equivalent; evidence of a commitment to a career in publishing (such as experience within bookselling or publishing, voluntary or professional experience on a publication) or evidence of research into current industry conditions. You are encouraged to apply if you have relevant professional experience.
Modules: Digitisation and publishing, International publishing case studies, Marketing in publishing, Project acquisition and list management, Publishing as a business, Publishing culture and process, Publishing law, Sales in publishing, Dissertation. We teach you through a combination of lecture and workshop-style discussions and other activities. You will also learn through group-based, commercially realistic projects, often with industry sponsors. Industry visitors, members of the Advisory Board and our Visiting Professors support face-to-face teaching, and you also join in with remote presentations from publishers in a variety of markets and sectors. A standard module consists of 20 timetabled hours comprising a variable proportion of lectures, seminars, and supervised project work; each is designed in the expectation of considerable personal study hours. The course is assessed largely through coursework, with two examinations, both of which account for 50% or less of their module. The range of coursework includes assessment for industry-related projects as well as analytical essays, and allows a proportion of credit for personal and group projects we well as presentations.
Contact Information
Institution City University London
PG Programme Administrator, Publishing
Northampton Square

Tel: +44 (0)20 7040 8266 / +44 (0)20 7040 0100 (Mary Ann Kernan)
Department: School of Arts: Centre for Creative Writing, Translation and Publishing
Contact Name: Mary Ann Kernan, Director, Publishing Studies MA
Contact Email: (PG Publishing Administrator) /