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De Montfort University

Independent Study (Art, Design or Humanities)

The course offers you the chance to design and pursue a tailor-made MA in an area of your choice. It provides you with a wide range of subject areas to choose from. These include traditional fields like Architecture, English, History, through to disciplines such as Applied Art, Dance ,Drama, Fine Art and Photography and including areas of study which are innovative or cutting-edge, for example Game Art, Digital Animation, Furniture Design, Fashion and Textiles and Music, Technology and Innovation. MA Independent Study offers you the opportunity to create a programme of study which is interdisciplinary, drawing upon one or two different subject areas, for instance English and Drama, or Fine Art and Art Education.
Duration One year full-time, two years part-time.
Level MA
Cost Home (UK) and EU students for 2012/13 entry: Full-time: £4200. Part-time: £2100. Overseas students for 2012/13 entry: Full-time: £11,200.
Study may be full or part-time, or a mixture of both. The shortest period of study for the degree is one year full-time. The full-time route demands a commitment to study of about 40 hours per week, over 48 weeks of the year; the part-time route is approximately 20 hours per week over the course of two years. Assessment is defined in the learning contract but is normally continuous through a variety of coursework assignments, plus a major project or dissertation.
You should have the equivalent of a 2:1 UK bachelor’s honours degree in a field appropriate to the area of study, together with a capacity for autonomous study; If you have other professional qualifications and industry experience we will consider your application on an individual basis; Evidence of creative or design work in a digital/portfolio of work may be required depending on area of study. International Students: If English is not your first language an IELTS score of 6.0 or equivalent is required for art and design subjects and an IELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent is required for humanities subjects prior to starting the course.
You are able to exercise choice and control over the aims of your course, the content and context of your studies, and the criteria against which achievement is assessed. MA Independent Study is challenging: it demands a high degree of self-management and self-motivation. You can take up to half of your modules from among our taught modules (subject to approval) and you can split your course between two subject areas. You begin by submitting an initial proposal in your application form. You are then supported in developing your personal learning contract by your two mentors, who will be experienced in the proposed field of study. This learning contract is submitted to the Registration Board for approval, and you begin your course of study.The range of specialisms we offer includes: Architecture, architectural conservation, architectural design, architecture and sustainability, cities and sustainability, housing design and sustainability, British architecture history, construction technology, interior design and architecture, spatial design; Art and design education; Applied art – ceramics, design crafts, glass, jewellery, metalsmithing; Creative Writing; Cultural Events Management; Dance; Design and innovation; Design Entrepreneurship; Design Management; Drama; English Literature, English Language; Fashion and Textiles – contour fashion, fashion buying, fashion design, fashion knitwear, fashion and bodywear, footwear design, accessory design, printed textiles, textile design, textile design and technology, Fashion Management; Film Studies; Fine art – drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, video and photographic practice; Furniture design, product design; Game Art; Global Media; History; Journalism, international journalism; Media and Communication; Music, Technology and Innovation; Photography, history of photography, graphic design, illustration, video, video production; Public relations, international public relations; Sports History and Culture; TV scriptwriting; Visual Journalism and documentary photography.
Contact Information
Institution De Montfort University
Department of Art, Design and Humanities
The Gateway

Tel: +44 (0) 116 257 7555
Fax: (0116) 257 7533
Department: Department of Art, Design and Humanities
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