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Cardiff Metropolitan University

English and Creative Writing

In terms of Creative Writing, you will be taught by staff who are not only academics but also successful and current practitioners. The study of English will engage with your enthusiasm for reading and literature, and introduce you to advanced critical thinking. Your degree will investigate the foundations of contemporary literature through an examination of the cultural narratives we tell ourselves. Modules involving myth, fantasy, children's literature, gothic and science fiction investigate our manner of representing the world around us. Likewise, an attention to the social and political production of texts contextualises the study of contemporary English literature. You'll also have the option to undertake a work placement, or take part in an overseas exchange programme, in your second year.
Duration Three years full time.
Level BA Single Hons
Cost Tuition Fees from 2012/13: £9,000.
Almost all of the degree is assessed through coursework (such as essays) and creative portfolios of your own writing. You might be pleased to learn that exams do not feature prominently in the degree - there is a very short exam in the first year, and third year, but none at all in your second year.
Applicants should have 5 GCSEs to include English Language at grade C or above, plus one of the following: 260 points from at least three A Levels / Scottish Advanced Highers to include grades BC, grade B in English. BTEC Diploma with 260 points or Distinction Merit Merit to include a relevant subject. 260 points from the Irish Leaving Certificate at Highers to include grade A1 or above in English (minimum C2 grade considered in points offer). Pass Access with 45 credits at Level 3 within a relevant subject. 260 points from the Welsh Baccalaureate to include grades BC at A Level; grade B in English, Core considered as fourth subject. All applications are considered on their individual merits and we can be flexible in the offer that is made. Applicants will also be asked to submit either a selection of fiction, journalism, poetry, an extract of a screenplay or other creative piece (no more than 2,000 words) to demonstrate their practical abilities.
Year One: Introductory modules in Journalism, Creative Writing and Poetry provide a taster of content, form and genre, whilst our attention to academic skills provides you with a theoretical ‘toolbox’ which you’ll use throughout your degree and beyond. Typical modules include: Introduction to Creative Writing, Getting Started in Journalism, Writing Poetry, Reading Literature, Critical Approaches, Academic Skills and Personal Development Profiling. Year Two: The second year introduces the subjects in more depth with specific modules exploring urban & contemporary writing, scriptwriting, the growth of the modern novel form and literary theory. Our attention to research methods prepare you for your dissertation. You can also decide to undertake a student work placement (option) or participate in our Erasmus Exchange Programme (option). Typical modules include: Urban & Contemporary Writing, Scriptwriting & Performance, Literary Transformations, Nineteenth Century Literature and Society, Journalism, Student Placement, Children’s, Literature: Theory & Practice, Introduction to TESOL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), Erasmus Exchange, Digital Media Publishing. Year Three: By year three you’ll have a keen sense of your own writing style as well as a dissertation topic agrees with your supervisor. The dissertation is an opportunity for you to to specialise in one area of the degree, producing either an English dissertation or one based on the production of a creative piece. Typical modules include: Gothic and Science Fiction, The Autobiographical ‘I’, Shakespeare: Texts and Contexts, Getting Published, Modernism to Postmoderism, Writing for Children, Dissertation: may specialise in either area of the degree or opt to bridge the degree strands. Extra-Curricula: Throughout the year, you will be invited to attend theatre trips, poetry and prose performances held in Cardiff. The Department regularly invites external speakers in to give presentations and readings. Kate North is editor of 'The C Word', an anthology of our students writing published by Cinnamon Press (2011).
Contact Information
Institution Cardiff Metropolitan University
Cardiff Cyncoed Campus,
Cyncoed Road
Cardiff, Wales
CF23 6XD

Tel: 029 2041 7246 (Dr Spencer Jordan) / +44 (0)29 2041 6771
Fax: +44 (0)29 2041 6986
Department: Cardiff School of Education CF23 6XD
Contact Name: Programme Leader, Dr Spencer Jordan
Contact Email: / (General Enquiries)