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Birmingham City University

English and Creative Writing

This routeway is for everyone who loves reading and writing: stories and poems, scripts and novels, films and plays, page and screen. Your initial studies will equip you with basic research, analysis and presentation skills, particularly as they apply to fiction, and give you an overview of contemporary theatre. In year two, you will develop your skills through two intensive modules, one in creative writing and one in lifewriting, the latter focusing on biography, autobiography and memoir. You will conclude your studies with a module in 21st Century Poetry and an independent study project. The English half of the course comprises literature and language studies, giving you a broadly-based education in English which will enable you to develop your reading, writing, critical thinking, presentation and research skills.
Duration 3 years full time, 6 years part time
Level BA Combined Hons
Cost UK Home/EU Tuition Fees 2012/2013: £7,500 per year. 2012/2013 Part-time: £940 per 15-credit module. 2012/2013 (International): £9,900 per year.
Only English course in the region offering a flexible combination of Literature, Language, Creative Writing, Drama and Film as well as the option to combine with Media or Psychology as a joint honours programme. Taught by internationally and nationally renowned experts and writers; experts immersed in their subject who inspire through example. An exceptional level of research and publication supports your course; most recent Research Assessment Exercise found 80% of the School’s research to be international standard, some of it world-leading. Richly stocked library and electronic resources puts texts and materials at your fingertips - access to every printed book published in the UK between 1470 and 1800. Since the National Student Survey began, the score for the quality of the course has exceeded 80%.
Minimum of 280 UCAS tariff points or the equivalent, including A Level English, preferably at grade B. A minimum of five GCSEs at grade C or above, including English. We welcome applications from mature students. Non- standard qualifications, Access to Higher Education courses and appropriate experience will be considered on an individual basis. Selection may be via interview and/or exploratory essay.
Year One modules include: Reading Prose, Approaches to Reading: Criticism, Drama, Studying Language, Reading Poetry, Approaches to Reading: Contexts, Describing Language, Adaptation. Year Two modules include: Creative Writing, Life Writing, Literature 1660-1830, Any English option. Year Three modules include: Two Creative Writing options, Literature 1880-present, Any English option.
Contact Information
Institution Birmingham City University
Faculty of Performance, Media and English,
City North Campus
Birmingham, West Midlands
B42 2SU

Tel: +44 (0)121 331 5595
Fax: +44 (0)121 331 7994
Department: School of English
Contact Name: Samantha Malkin: School of English
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