Wed 26 March 2025
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Canterbury Christ Church University College

Creative Writing: Prose Fiction

This MA programme aims to nurture the talents of creative writers through a combination of workshops, seminars and tutorial supervision, and to encourage new writing within a supportive but critical community. It is underpinned by the principle that development in creative writing is achieved through practice coupled with theoretical consideration. Thus, students are given the time and support necessary to write, and also the opportunity to explore issues of craft through extensive reading, critical debate and writing exercises. Students will also be introduced to facets of the publishing industry and the workings of literary agencies. Guest speakers include novelists, literary agents and publishers.
Duration Part-time over two years
Level MA
Cost Tuition Fees 2012/13: Part time: £2,170 per year. International: £5,100.
Students attend two-hour sessions every Thursday evening during term-time. These sessions alternate between writing workshops and academic seminars exploring published texts. One other weekday evening is used, roughly fortnightly, for sessions on aspects of the writer's craft and research skills. Students also discuss their work with tutors in one-to-one tutorials, and there are two half-day Saturday conferences each year.
Applicants will normally have a good first degree in any subject. Holders of other qualifications will be considered individually. They will also be required to submit a piece of prose fiction with their application, on the basis of which they will be selected for interview. Candidates will be expected to demonstrate a serious commitment to writing, and the necessary enthusiasm, experience and time to achieve a Masters degree. The Programme team positively seeks a body of students from a diverse range of backgrounds, ages and experience. All applicants must submit a piece of creative writing (between 2,000 and 4,000 words) with their application form, on the basis of which they will be selected for interview. This piece of work will be assessed as a guide to the candidate's potential on criteria such as: use of language, quality of observation and/or imagination, structure, thematic content.
Fiction Workshops: a series of two-hour workshops spread across the two years in which students' writing is discussed by the group with the emphasis on constructive criticism and support. The Short Story: a module offering an advanced analysis of the modern short story, exploring the nature of the genre and its formal techniques. Texts studied may include work by Katherine Mansfield, J.D. Salinger, Raymond Carver, Margaret Atwood, James Kelman and Rose Tremain. Aspects of Craft: a series of two-hour seminars focused on specific aspects of craft such as voice, character, dialogue, point of view, setting, and structure. The Novel: a module offering an exploration of the modern novel, considering the genre's tradition, narrative techniques and sources of inspiration. A range of novels will be considered alongside texts such as David Lodge's The Art of Fiction and Milan Kundera's The Art of the Novel. Presentation/Publication: a series of sessions focused on the presentation of one's writing on the page and in the flesh, and exploring routes to publication. Research Methods: a module exploring key skills in research for academic work. Final Submission: With guidance and supervision, students will produce an extended piece of prose fiction for submission at the end of the programme. This work will build upon and develop the knowledge and understanding gained in the earlier taught courses and workshops. Assessment will be by a combination of methods, including fiction submissions, critical essays and writing exercises.
Contact Information
Institution Canterbury Christ Church University College
Department of English and Language Studies
North Holmes Road
Canterbury, Kent

Tel: 01227 782210.
Fax: 01227 782888
Department: Department of English and Language Studies
Contact Name: Dr Andrew Palmer
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