Wed 26 March 2025
Writing Courses
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Cardiff University

Creative Writing

Cardiff University offers a unique Master’s Degree in Creative Writing designed for young as well as experienced writers who wish to develop their creative writing to the highest level. Modules in teaching Creative Writing included. Special features include: regularly scheduled ‘open mic’ readings where students share their writing with an audience to enhance their skills and confidence in public presentations. A residential writing course away from Cardiff is part of the programme. Past retreats have included a literary tour of Dublin, a week in the idyllic setting of Ty Newydd, the writing centre in North Wales, and a writing retreat at Gregynog Hall, a large country house in mid-Wales.
Duration 1 year full time
Level MA
Cost UK Home/EU Tuition Fees 2012/13: £5,150. International student fees: £11,900. Bursaries and scholarships may be available. For further details of funding opportunities, please contact the Academic Support Officer (
Students produce two creative writing portfolios: the two portfolios can be continuous, developing a single narrative or theme, as for example, in the case of a novel or set of stories or a collection of poems or script. These count for 120 credits, and are supported by workshops, the other 60 credits coming from course work dealing with creative ideas and processes and reflections on teaching creative writing.
Applications are considered on a continuous basis. Interviews are recommended, and may be stipulated. Telephone interviews may be conducted with international applicants. The School welcomes applications from students from outside the United Kingdom.
During the Autumn and Spring semester students attend the Writers’ Workshop where they explore their writing while also working independently towards completion of the first portfolio. There are a variety of genre-based writers’ workshops in: poetry, scriptwriting, creative non-fiction, fiction and microfiction. Students may focus on one genre, or may experiment with several. The Writers’ Workshops are led by members of staff, all of whom are experienced writers. The Workshops enable students to offer and receive literary support and editorial advice, and assist in the production of an initial collection of creative writing. The sessions also provide training for students in various methods of conducting workshops and effectively revising manuscripts. This first collection of creative work provides the opportunity for students to try out new ventures and experiment with different genres as well as to establish ideas and directions for the second collection of work, submitted in Part Two of the degree. In the Autumn students also attend seminars on The Creative Process, a module designed to encourage reflection on the imagination, voice and experience. In the Spring a series of seminars discusses how we communicate creative writing in the teaching situation but also develops the essential formal skills of the writer.
Contact Information
Institution Cardiff University
Humanities Building,
Colum Drive,
Cardiff , Wales
CF10 3EU

Tel: +44 (0)29 208 70322
Fax: +44 (0)29 208 74502
Department: School of English, Communication and Philosophy
Contact Name: Mr Geoffrey Edwards, Creative Writing Teacher at The Cardiff Writing Centre
Contact Email: / (Mr Geoffrey Edwards)