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Cardiff Metropolitan University

Creative Writing

Our Creative Writing MA is a rewarding taught degree, exploring a variety of techniques and approaches, including short story writing, novel writing, new and urban writing. The modules are specifically designed to develop you as a writer of fiction. A critical but supportive environment is achieved through a combination of workshops, research seminars and e-learning. You will be introduced to the practicalities of preparing and submitting your work for publication. Students may take the course as a PgCert, PgDiplima, or Masters. Also available as Creative Writing and English Taught MA programme.
Duration One year full-time, two years part-time
Level MA, Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma
Cost UK Home/EU Tuition Fees 2012/13: £3,760. PGCE/ Cert.Ed (per 10 Credits) £215. International Tuition Fees: (MA) £10,000.
One of the great strengths of the programme is its flexibility. MA Creative Writing can be studied either full or part time. Modules can be taken individually, allowing you to control the pace and depth of your postgraduate study. Programme delivery is enhanced by the university’s commitment to e-learning. The modules Short Story Writing and Novel Writing can be taken as a distance learning option. There are a number of ways you can undertake postgraduate study with us. If you wish, you can simply take individual modules (perhaps just one, or more, depending on your interest). If you wish to go further, you might choose to complete a Postgraduate Certificate (three modules chosen from a postgraduate programme). Further still, you might wish to undertake a Postgraduate Diploma (six modules from one of our programmes). Or you might wish to go for a Master's Degree, submitting a dissertation after completing the six taught modules. Throughout the year, you will be invited to attend theatre trips, poetry and prose performances held in Cardiff. The Department regularly invites external speakers in to give presentations and readings.
Applicants should usually have a first or upper second-class honours degree, in a relevant subject. Students that meet the criteria will be invited for interview.
Typical Modules:Short Story Writing, Novel Writing, Writing the City, New and Experimental Writing, Critical Practice, Researching Humanities. Assessment occurs through a variety of approaches, including creative portfolios, reflective blogs, poster presentations and dissertation.
Contact Information
Institution Cardiff Metropolitan University
Cardiff Cyncoed Campus,
Cyncoed Road
Cardiff, Wales
CF23 6XD

Tel: 029 2041 7246 (Dr Spencer Jordan) / 029 2041 6044 (General Enquiries)
Fax: +44 (0)29 2041 6986
Department: Cardiff School of Education
Contact Name: Programme Leader, Dr Spencer Jordan
Contact Email: / (General Enquiries)