Wed 26 March 2025
Writing Courses
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Bath Spa University

Creative Writing

This course will help you to bring a novel, book of poems, book of short stories or work of non-fiction as near to publishable quality as possible. Located within the School of Humanities and Cultural Industries, the writing programme has established itself over the past 20 years as one of the most successful in the UK. Because of the reputation of the MA in Creative Writing, we are able to recruit excellent students who, every year, form an exciting and mutually supportive community of writers. Frequent visits by other writers, literary agents, publishers, broadcasters and other professionals connected with writing ensure that students are given plentiful advice about how to place work and make decisions about their careers as writers.
Duration 1 year Full time
Level MA
Cost UK Home/EU Tuition Fees 2012/13: £4,565. International Tuition Fees 2012/13: £10,030. Bath Spa University has the following AHRC studentships available for 2012-13 under the AHRC Block Grant: Capacity Building Scheme. All are for full studentships covering tuition fees (paid to the university) and maintenance allowance (paid to the student in non-taxable quarterly installments). 2 x MA Creative Writing or MA Writing for Young People or MA Scriptwriting.
The course is comprised of two writing workshop modules in, for example, prose fiction, poetry or scriptwriting; two context modules such as, for example, The Writer and Place or Writing and Politics; and the manuscript. Students may work on one book throughout the manuscript module or experiment with different forms before making choices. The course is not for the writer whose only interest is in their own work, but rather for the writer who can benefit from working closely with fellow students and with tutors, many of whom are practising and published writers.
Admission to the course is based on a portfolio of creative writing, our estimate of the student's commitment and potential as a writer and ability to benefit from the course, and normally, but not invariably, on a first degree. Applicants will need to submit a short piece of creative writing with their application form, such as two chapters of a novel, two short stories, six poems, or the equivalent.
Students take two three-hour seminars a week for the workshop and context modules. The Manuscript is completed between June and September. Students meet tutors regularly during this period. A residential writing weekend at The Kingcombe Centre, Dorset, is an essential part of the course. Assessment is by coursework only. Each writing workshop is assessed on the basis of a folder of creative writing and an early draft of part of the Manuscript. Each context module is assessed on the basis of an essay and a folder of creative responses. The Manuscript is 35,000–40,000 words (or the equivalent for poetry and scriptwriting).
Contact Information
Institution Bath Spa University
School of Humanities and Cultural Industries,
Newton Park Campus, Newton St Loe

Tel: (01225) 875573
Fax: (01225) 875605
Department: School of Humanities and Cultural Industries
Contact Name: Course Leader: Richard Kerridge
Contact Email: