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Bangor University

Creative Writing and Media Studies

This exciting Creative Writing and Media degree course is run by the School of Creative Studies and Media. It is aimed at students who want to study Creative Writing (for example fiction, poetry, scriptwriting) and combine this with the study of other forms of media (for example television and radio, film and video, software and computer games, design, professional writing, journalism and advertising). During the three years of this degree, you will have the opportunity to work with staff at Bangor who have a wide range of interests and expertise including poetry, the novel, the short story, documentary and filmmaking, digital communications, electronic publishing, computer games, scriptand screen-writing, and print and broadcast media.
Duration 3 years
Level BA Combined Hons
Cost UK Home/EU Tuition Fees 2012/13: £9,000. International Tuition Fees 2012/13: £9,800.
Creative Writing and Media offers a balance of practical and analytical tasks. You will explore a variety of forms, then specialising in the form you find most interesting and rewarding (e.g. short story or novel writing, poetry, script- and screenwriting, writing for children, new media writing, writing for performance, writing for particular genre). Practical modules will be assessed both on practical output and on the individual's ability to reflect critically on their practice. Other modules are assessed by exam and assignment. Much of your study will be done in small teaching groups.
280-300 points. We consider mature students with non-standard qualifications. For joint honours degrees you should also look at the entry requirements for your other chosen subject.
Year One modules on offer include: Creative Practice, Creative Writing: Prose, Creative Writing: Poetry, Media Culture, Creating Narratives, Visual Culture 1 – Seeing the World, Digital Communications, Introduction to Media Studies, Creative Practice. Year Two modules on offer include: Creative Writing: The Novel, Creative Writing: Showing and Telling, Visual Culture 2 - The Body, Developing New Media, Media Practice: Factual Screenwriting, Transmedia Storytelling, Cultural Economy of the Media. Year Three modules on offer include: Visual Culture 3 - Race and Gender, Writing for Performance, Writing for Publishing, E-Publishing, Transmedia Storytelling, Media Practice: Fiction, Advanced Hypermedia Production, Dissertation, Final Year Group Project.
Contact Information
Institution Bangor University
School of Creative Studies and Media, Bangor University
Bangor, Gwynedd
North Wales
LL57 2DG

Tel: 01248 388560 / 01248 383207
Department: School of Creative Studies and Media
Contact Name: Mr Llion Iwan (creative Studies)
Contact Email: