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Bangor University

Creative Studies and English Language

This exciting Creative Studies and English Language degree course is aimed at students who want to study Creative Studies (combining some study of: creative writing, film studies, theatre studies, media and journalism studies) with the study of English Language. The School of Creative Studies and Media at Bangor specialises in three key areas: Creative Writing, Professional Writing, Journalism; Media, Film and Cinema Studies, New Media; and The Entertainment Industries and Performance Arts.
Duration 3 years
Level BA Combined Hons
Cost UK Home/EU Tuition Fees 2012/13: £9,000. International Tuition Fees: £9,800.
English Language and Creative Studies offers a balance of practical and critical tasks, introducing students to creative practice studies and the critical study of creative practices in combination with a study of English Language. In Creative Studies you will explore a variety of creative forms, specialising increasingly as you progress through the degree in that form you find most interesting and rewarding (e.g. film, creative writing, theatre and drama, media or new media, journalism). In English Language modules range from speech and language acquisition, to forensic linguistics and bilingualism to discussions of globalisation and the English Language. Much of your study will be done in small group teaching. The Institute has research interests in all areas of the Creative Industries, with research programmes running in several key areas: Creative Writing, Critical Writing about Creative Writing, the dimensions and enhancement of Creativity, Publishing and Bookselling, Hollywood and European Cinemas, New and Digital Media, Performance and Nation, Creative Mobile Technologies, Celtic Film and Media, Creative Industries Policy and Management, Children's Picture Books, Postcolonial Film and Media, Creative and Critical Understanding, Digital Versatile Disk, Critical Responsiveness for Creative Practitioners, Interactive Television and Podcasting.
260-300 points. If you do not have the qualifications above contact the admissions tutor. For joint honours degrees you should also look at the entry requirements for your other chosen subject.
Year One modules on offer: The Arts of Writing, Creative Writing: Forms and Techniques, Introduction to Film History, The Language of Film, Introduction to Textual Analysis, Introduction to Theatre Studies, Modern Theatre, IT for Creative Industries, Introduction to Journalism, Television and Radio Studies, Introduction to Media Production, Media and Popular Music Culture, Games, Disks and the Web, My Creative Project, Saints, Geniuses, Stars, Creating Fiction, Animation from Mickey to Manga, Women on Film, Poetry and Performance. Year Two modules on offer: Film Theory/Film Culture, Creative Writing: Showing and Telling, Creative Writing: The Novel, Writing for Film and the Media, Standard Media Production, Development of Journalism, Essentials of Multimedia, Scripts for Theatre and Television, Development and Censorship of Television, Directing Theatre, Styles of Theatre, Marketing Creativity, Documentary and Drama, British Publishing Uncovered, Developing Multimedia, Writing for Children, Creative Project 2. Year Three modules on offer: Marketing Creative Writing, Advanced Practical Journalism, Creative Project 3, Writing Hypertext, Advanced Media Production, The Films of Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick: Auteur, Creative Writing and Production 2, Creative Writing Dissertation, PR and Visual Journalism, Scripts for Theatre and Television, Development and Censorship of Television, Directing Theatre, Styles of Theatre, British Cinema, America on Film, Celtic Film.
Contact Information
Institution Bangor University
School of Creative Studies and Media, Bangor University
Bangor, Gwynedd
North Wales
LL57 2DG

Tel: 01248 383215
Department: School of Creative Studies and Media
Contact Name: Mr Llion Iwan (Creative Studies) Mr Eddie Williams (English Language)
Contact Email: For Creative Studies: For English Language: