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Bangor University

Creative Practice (MRes)

The School of Creative Studies and Media at Bangor University has a strong reputation for its synthesis of critical/theoretical work and practice, and this degree lies at the heart of its activity. Students on this programme in 2012 take first semester modules in creativity and research and in media theory, before embarking on the production of a substantial practice-based dissertation under the supervision of a specialist member of staff.
Duration 1 year Full Time/ 2 years Part Time
Level MLitt/MPhil
Cost UK Home/EU Tuition Fees 2012/13: £3,550. International Tuition Fees 2012/13: £9,120 For information about postgraduate funding, contact: Michael Rogerson; Postgraduate Marketing Officer. Address: Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2DG. Tel: +44 (0) 1248 383648. Fax: +44 (0) 1248 383268. E-mail:
The dissertation includes both a reflective/critical element and a portfolio, and can be undertaken in any of the practice-based disciplines taught in the School, including writing, screenwriting, performance, television and radio production, film and documentary making, digital media writing and production, and journalism.
Successful applicants for this programme will have an excellent first degree in a relevant discipline or equivalent practical/industrial experience, and a demonstrated ability to work independently to bring a self-directed project to completion. Here at Bangor we accept students with a wide range of qualifications and backgrounds. We consider each application individually.
1.) Creativity and Research: This module provides the opportunity for students to consider the role and significance of creative practice within an academic context and to analyse its role in generating knowledge. The class will synthesise a variety of theories and perspectives on the relationship between art, creativity, science and knowledge, and will develop an extended critical analysis of the planning and performance of creative functions. 2.) Media and Cultural Theory: This module provides a systematic overview of major 20th and 21st century critical schools and theoretical approaches, which are key to an advanced understanding of how to read and analyse creative, cultural and media artifacts. Students will be given the opportunity to study, discuss and close-read seminal works from the canon of critical literature and to apply the insights gained to creative and cultural artifacts. OR 2.) Contemporary Media Theory: This module provides an overview of contemporary theoretical approaches to media, which are key for an advanced understanding of how to read and analyse current media artefacts, practices and culture such as interaction, immersion, hypertextuality, digital multimodality, participatory media, crowdsourcing, cyberculture, social networking, videogame and hacker culture, cloud computing and convergence. 3.) MRes Dissertation: With guidance from experienced members of staff, students will develop a topic of their own for further research, They will work towards the production of an independently researched and produced practice-based portfolio and accompanying critical commentary, which will reflect and demonstrate the knowledge and skills they have acquired during the taught modules.
Contact Information
Institution Bangor University
School Of Creative Studies And Media, Bangor University
Bangor, Gwynedd
North Wales
LL57 2DG

Tel: 01248 383619
Department: School of Creative Studies and Media
Contact Name: Dr Astrid Ensslin, Director of Graduate Studies
Contact Email: