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Cardiff University

Creative and Critical Writing

The PhD programme involves the preparation of an original piece of creative work – a novel, collection of poems or short stories – and an accompanying critical text which may serve either as a critical commentary on the creative component or else a critical essay on a theme related to, if not necessarily the core subject material of, the creative work.
Duration Three years full time
Level MLitt/MPhil, PhD
Cost Scholarships and bursaries may be available. For information about funding opportunities please contact the Academic Support Officer ( All PhD students after their first year are eligible to apply for a position as a Postgraduate Tutor with responsibility for teaching Year One undergraduate students. The role involves providing a weekly tutorial intended to provide a space for discussion and clarification of the topics presented in the lectures. Each tutor group consists of 13 or 14 students. Tutors are also expected to mark exam scripts, to set a choice of essays for each module, mark the essays and provide feedback to individual students. As well as providing an extra source of income, gaining employment as a year one tutor will enable you to develop teaching skills and boost your CV.
As from their second year, students have the opportunity for teaching on the undergraduate English Literature degree and receive mentoring sessions from a full-time member of staff. Full-time PhD students are allocated study space, which provides computing facilities, networked information and access to email and the internet. PhD students are encouraged to participate in the Open Mic session organised for the MA in Creative Writing (see below), and to attend workshops and readings given by visiting writers.
Applications are welcome from graduates with at least a 2.1 in English Literature (and/or a relevant discipline) and an MA in Creative Writing, English Literature or a relevant discipline. Our own MA in Creative Writing provides an ideal basis for students wishing to undertake a PhD. Alternatively, in certain cases PhD students attend the first two terms of the MA course, and submit the assessed essays, before proceeding to full-time work on the thesis. Essays take account of the material taught in the course, but may also constitute draft sections of the doctoral project. The School welcomes applications from students from outside the United Kingdom.
Research Proposals welcome.
Contact Information
Institution Cardiff University
Humanities Building
Colum Drive,
Cardiff , Wales
CF10 3EU

Tel: +44 (0)29 208 74722 / +44(0)29 208 75013 (Dr Carl Plasa)
Department: Cardiff School of English, Communication and Philosophy CF10 3EU
Contact Name: Director of Postgraduate Studies: Dr Carl Plasa
Contact Email: / (Dr Carl Plasa)