Wed 26 March 2025
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Birkbeck College, University of London

Arts and Policy Management

Gain a University of London qualification, expand your knowledge and enhance your CV. Birkbeck has a strong reputation in the field of arts management: classes are taught by arts and cultural industry professionals. Gain a good understanding of a wide range of arts organisations in London that will enhance your career prospects. Study with academics currently researching the arts and their organisation. Past students have gone on to work at major galleries, arts charities and the Arts Council.
Duration Minimum two years. One evening a week for three hours for each module.
Level Open Access
Cost If you are a new student starting on a course in autumn 2012, you may be able to get a student loan to cover your fees and other Birkbeck financial support.
Birkbeck offers a fascinating range of options for students interested in improving their skills and knowledge in arts management. You will learn how arts organisations are managed, how policies are conceived, how press campaigns are organised, and how arts programmes are devised and evaluated. You will also develop a more critical understanding of equality and access issues and of the post-war history of the arts, as well as an enhanced range of communication skills that are essential to arts management.
You should have some experience in at least one of the arts sectors (for example in drama, puppetry, dance, mime, music, visual arts, writing, video, film, television or radio) in either a paid or voluntary capacity. All modules are taught at university level and you should be able to read, write and speak English fluently.
To gain the Certificate of Higher Education, you must successfully complete modules worth a total of 120 credit points. You can take either four Level 4 modules or three Level 4 modules plus one Level 5 module. The Level 5 modules aim to develop the necessary practical skills and critical knowledge required to conceive and manage a creative project based on your chosen field of interest. You will build upon your understanding of a specific area of the arts gained in one or more of the Level 4 modules, and you will follow a project idea through its preparatory stages with the support and critical input of the tutor. (Prerequisite: any Level 4 Arts Management module.) Alternatively, you may include modules worth up to 30 credits from other relevant programmes in this prospectus, such as our Certificates of Higher Education in Film and Media, History of Art, and Management, with the approval of the course director. Modules: Level 4 modules: Visual Art: Histories, Networks and Organisations, Audience Engagement, The Politics of Culture, Performing/Live Arts: Histories, Networks and Organisations, Arts Marketing and Communications. Level 5 modules: Developing a Visual Arts Project, Developing a Performing/Live Arts Project.
Contact Information
Institution Birkbeck College, University of London
Department of Media and Cultural Studies
Malet Street,
Bloomsbury, London

Tel: 020 3073 8219
Department: Department of Media and Cultural Studies
Contact Email: