Sun 9 March 2025
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Writing in Practice - Vol. 8

In this issue:

01. Editorial
by Kate North
02 Guest Article Queerness as Translation
by Mary Jean Chan
03: The Art of Betrayal: Coming-of-Age Through Transnational Writing
by Elen Caldecott
04: Retaining the nuances of a minority language when writing in English
A Creative-critical Approach to How the Nuances of the Maltese Language Can be Retained by Amber Duivenvoorden
05. Decolonising Enid Blyton
Writing a post-colonial Enid Blyton mystery novel by Paul Williams (volume 8 pages 32-42)
06: Born on 4th July - Prelude, Preamble, Precursor, Premonition
by Jo Somerset
07: Creative Non-fiction and ABSTRACT Photography
An Insightful Partnership by Alex Bertram
08: There is no me without you
The implications of self as mutable and multiple for the writer by Joanna Nadin
09: The Herepath Project
Deep mapping and hedge-springing during lockdown by Kevan Manwaring
10: Being Kind to Myself
Developing a Compassionate Writing Practice by Helen Foster
11: Walking and Writing, Running and Redraftingx
Towards a template for the physically-active creative by Liam Bell & Gemma Ryde
12: The WRITE Model
An Interdisciplinary Tool for Research and Practice in Creative Writing and Wellbeing by Megan C. Hayes
13: Writing about and through objects in contemporary short fiction
by Maria A. Ioannou
14: Brautigan’s Sombrero Fallout
A Cathartic Case for Absurdism in Pedagogical Learning by Simon Read

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