09: The Herepath Project
Deep mapping and hedge-springing during lockdown by Kevan Manwaring
Moving to the Marlborough Downs on the edge of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Avebury in late
2019 (an area I have been exploring since the late `80s), I decided to map my new locality through poetry
and art – connecting nodes of significance to create a personal Wiltshire ‘songline’: The Herepath Project.
As the 2020 lockdown kicked in, the concept of ‘deep mapping’ (Nan Shepherd) my local universe gained
increasing poignancy. In the form of a literary de´rive – charting zones of ambience and influence as I range
metaphorically across the Downs – this article will consider different forms of creative mapping, including
the ‘Counter-Mapping’ of the Zuni Map Art Project; and the ‘song-walking’ of Dr Elizabeth Bennett (Essex
University); as well initiatives which ‘hack’ the hegemonic discourses of the countryside, such a Black Girls
Hike, the Colonial Countryside project, and Slow Ways, and other acts of creative resistance (Rebecca
Solnit; Nick Hayes). Examples from the poetry pamphlet produced will be shared, along with the odd field
sketch. A technique of ‘writing the land’ will be fashioned, combining repurposed elements of Debord’s
psychogeographical ‘de´rive’, Richard Long’s ‘Land Art’, and Buddhist ‘jongrom’. Drawing inspiration from
the biodiversity of the Downs a non-anthropocentric perspectival shift will be advocated for deconstructing
the conventional human-centred cartographies of property demarcation, ontological discreteness, and
hierarchical layering.
Manwaring, Kevan (2022) The Herepath Project: Deep mapping and hedge-springing during lockdown. Writing in Practice. 8. 74-87 DOI: 10.62959-WIP-08-2022-08
Creative process, walking, psychogeography, counter-mapping, poetry.