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CAKE Magazine
Poetry. Flash Fiction. Review.
Hello, and welcome. Let us introduce ourselves. Collectively, we are Cake, a poetry magazine aiming to publish the best in new writing, be it poetry, flash fiction, or insightful reviews of new work. We began two and a half years ago at a literary event, a mere crumb of an idea which has, through hard work and luck, evolved into something we are very proud of. Cake aims to publish and promote new, exciting work by new poets alongside those who have already enjoyed other successes. We want to level the playing field, to allow new writers (and this does not always necessarily mean young writers, we hasten to add) to see their work in print, to recognise the names alongside their own, and to really feel themselves to be a part of the poetry machine. We want to show new writers where they belong, not pushed out to the edges, not fumbling desperately for that first foothold on the ladder, but already there, already a part of the tradition to which the bigger names also belong. If you are writing, then you are part of the writing world. If you are sending your poems out, then you belong. Our job, aside from publishing wonderful work, is to remind you of this.
Martha Sprackland, Editor
Andrew McMillan, Editor

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