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Working with NAWE

NAWE's mission is to further knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of Creative Writing and to support good practice in its teaching and learning at all levels.

As Subject Association, NAWE promotes Creative Writing as both a distinct discipline and an essential element in education generally. Our membership includes those working in Higher Education, the many freelance writers working in schools and community contexts, and the teachers and other professionals who work with them.

NAWE incorporates The Writer's Compass (formerly literaturetraining) - providing information and advice on professional development for writers and other literature professionals.

The NAWE Annual Conference

This is the essential UK event for all those involved in the teaching of writing, enabling members to share their experience of teaching writing at all levels and to address current issues. The emphasis is on workshop style sessions or discussions where everyone has a contribution to make.

Writing in Education

The NAWE journal features articles on the writer’s craft, critical issues and workshop techniques, plus a wealth of news items and reviews; published in 3 editions each year and mailed free to all members.

Online Resources

This NAWE site has details of all the latest jobs, opportunities and events for writers throughout the UK. The Archive (accessible to members only) contains everything that we have published since the organization was founded - over 500 articles covering the very wide range of our members' activity, an invaluable resource for anyone teaching writing, planning a project or undertaking research.

Professional Directory
Our listing of professionals suitably experienced at working in educational settings is the prime source for schools and others wishing to engage writers to run workshops or residencies.

Professional Development Programme

NAWE is commited to ensuring that all writers working in education are prepared to the highest professional standard. We offer a range of training days for writers and teachers, plus one-to-one sessions to help members plan their writing careers. Through the Writer’s Compass, NAWE also provides free information and advice on professional development for writers and other literature professionals.

Higher Education Network

Open to all universities, this wing of NAWE addresses the many issues facing those teaching and studying on Creative Writing programmes throughout the UK.

Young Writers Hub

The Young Writers Hub works semi-autonomously as part of the NAWE network. Together we can provide the maximum amount of provision for writers all all ages.

NAWE Magazine

The NAWE magazine, Writing in Education, features articles on critical issues and workshop techniques, plus a wealth of news items.
Available via subscription to NAWE.

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