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Cube is a magazine made for and by young people across the UK. If you are a young person you can visit Cubeweb to enjoy journalism, writing and media work created by young people.
Project History:

Get your own writing published. Voice your opinion on issues that affect you and other young people. Find out about arts and media related opportunities via our news board and mailing list. Get support with your writing via email feedback. Discuss and share stuff in the Cube Forum. Contribute to Cube Magazine and be part of the Cube community!

Cube in print is a professionally designed and produced magazine made by young people through work placements.  It is thought to be the only magazine of this kind in the UK.  The magazine has a target audience of 13-19 with a circulation of between 3,500 and 7,000 copies per issue. Cube can be found in libraries, secondary schools, youth organisations and places where young people hang out in South Yorkshire.

The Cube project was formed in 2003 in response to the lack of writing and media opportunities for young people, particularly in relation to exploring media careers. Its first young editorial team formed the Cube manifesto which is still central to the Cube ethos today. Since its humble beginnings Cube has grow into a vast project with outlets through print, web, radio, TV, exhibition and film. Cube now has two types of placement. It's original journalism focused placements train young people in journalistic production including interviewing, researching, feature writing, web design, radio production and photojournalism.  

In 2007 Cube was awarded Mediabox funding to pilot another type of placement, ‘Cube Xtra’, which focuses on high-end graphic design and short documentary and experimental film making, further enhancing the experiences and opportunities offered through Cube. The unique design of the magazine is supported by John Batu Dedeoglu at Leopard rock Media who also leads Cube’s graphic design training.

To date around 700 young people have contributed to Cube and its related projects, bringing together an exciting mix of interests, talents and creativity that has made Cube the unique magazine it is. See the Cube highlights page for some of our achievements and success and theCube bytes page for what our young journalists have said about Cube.

Cube seek to find real journalistic and media experiences for young people. If you have any suggestions, ideas or opportunities for young people relating to journalistic writing, reviewing, interviewing, short film making, reporting and photojournalism, let Vicky Morris know! 
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Project Quote:
"The best things about Cube are the people you meet, the friends you make, the opportunities you get and the experience you gain in the media industry and life itself. Also being able to voice your opinions and unleash your passion in a thoughtful and supportive environment".
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