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Live Twitter Interview: Wes Brown
Interview Date: Tue 14 Jun 2011
YoungWritersHub Thanks to @wesbrownwriter for talking to us today. It was very insightful and I'm sure everyone will take a lesson or two. #wbrowntalks -1:40 PM Jun 14th, 2011

wesbrownwriter @YoungWritersHub Giving a platform to young writers who have gone on to bigger and better. Being part of the argument #wbrowntalks -1:30 PM Jun 14th, 2011

wesbrownwriter @YoungWritersHub Giving a platform to young writers who have gone on to bigger and better. Being part of the argument #wbrowntalks -1:30 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub RT @wesbrownwriter: @YoungWritersHub Thanks for the interview. Hopefully first of many more with writers and practitioners #wbrowntalks -1:27 PM Jun 14th, 2011

wesbrownwriter @YoungWritersHub Thanks for the interview. Hopefully first of many more with writers and practitioners #wbrowntalks -1:25 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub wesbrownwriter And what's your best experience of publishing? #wbrowntalks -1:24 PM Jun 14th, 2011

wesbrownwriter @YoungWritersHub Lots of dinosaurs and those with an entrenched mentality. But mostly good! #wbrowntalks -1:19 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub @wesbrownwriter Finally, let's talk about publishing for a few minutes. What are your worst experiences of publishing? #wbrowntalks -1:18 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub @wesbrownwriter An excellent response to those events and I'm sure we'll all look forward to reading about it. #wbrowntalks -1:16 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub RT @wesbrownwriter: @YoungWritersHub They've already been sensationlised. The aim is to humanise. Something more considered than tabloid rampage #wbrowntalks -1:14 PM Jun 14th, 2011

wesbrownwriter @YoungWritersHub They've already been sensationlised. The aim is to humanise. Something more considered than tabloid rampage #wbrowntalks -1:10 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub @wesbrownwriter Taking such traumatic events and fictionalising them is always a bold move. Do you think it will pay off? #wbrowntalks -1:09 PM Jun 14th, 2011

wesbrownwriter @YoungWritersHub It's based on the Shannon Matthews kidnap. Real and unreal characters. Protagonist is a class war journalist #wbrowntalks -1:08 PM Jun 14th, 2011

wesbrownwriter @YoungWritersHub It's a very different novel. Both middle and working class. It's also fiction based on fact #wbrowntalks -1:05 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub Unfortunately, we've lost @wesbrownwriter. He seems to have lost himself in the Twitterverse. Hold on! #wbrowntalks -12:50 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub @wesbrownwriter Your next novel seems to follow the same approach as Shark did. Can you give us a brief synopsis? #wbrowntalks -12:38 PM Jun 14th, 2011

wesbrownwriter @YoungWritersHub It is Northern, but hopefully universal, or at least semi-universal #wbrowntalks -12:34 PM Jun 14th, 2011

wesbrownwriter @YoungWritersHub Definitely. I wanted to bring social realism up to date. It has to bear witness #wbrowntalks -12:34 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub @wesbrownwriter Many reviews commented on how you depicted the "working class" and "Northern realism". Is that intentional? #wbrowntalks -12:32 PM Jun 14th, 2011

wesbrownwriter @YoungWritersHub It's an attitude thing. Think all writers have it? Sometimes you think the work is grand, sometimes you don't #wbrowntalks -12:29 PM Jun 14th, 2011

wesbrownwriter @YoungWritersHub Looking on it now, it's very much a debut. Some bits I'd make slicker. But it does have style and character #wbrowntalks -12:29 PM Jun 14th, 2011

Hedzie RT @wesbrownwriter: @YoungWritersHub We have news, jobs, internships, bloggers, an enabling fund, advice, advocacy, workshops and profiles #wbrowntalks -12:27 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub @wesbrownwriter. You thought it was good and bad. What was good about it and what was bad about it? #wbrowntalks -12:26 PM Jun 14th, 2011

wesbrownwriter @YoungWritersHub Amis says writing's a mixture of 'anxiety & ambition'. I simultaneously thought it was very good and very bad. #wbrowntalks -12:25 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub RT @wesbrownwriter: @YoungWritersHub We have news, jobs, internships, bloggers, an enabling fund, advice, advocacy, workshops and profiles #wbrowntalks -12:24 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub @wesbrownwriter Let's talk about Shark. Your first novel received positive reviews. Did you ever expect that reception? #wbrowntalks -12:24 PM Jun 14th, 2011

wesbrownwriter @YoungWritersHub The secret is out! #wbrowntalks -12:23 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub Disclosure: @wesbrownwriter is the @YoungWritersHub co-ordinator and is employed by the organisation. #wbrowntalks -12:22 PM Jun 14th, 2011

wesbrownwriter @YoungWritersHub We have news, jobs, internships, bloggers, an enabling fund, advice, advocacy, workshops and profiles #wbrowntalks -12:22 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub @wesbrownwriter Some fantastic tips there. You've mentioned the Hub. How does it help young and aspiring writers? #wbrowntalks -12:20 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub RT @wesbrownwriter: @YoungWritersHub Read everything. Write in every discipline. Expect to work hard and it not to be easy. But take it easy #wbrowntalks -12:19 PM Jun 14th, 2011

wesbrownwriter @YoungWritersHub Read everything. Write in every discipline. Expect to work hard and it not to be easy. But take it easy #wbrowntalks -12:18 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub @wesbrownwriter If there was one thing that you could tell every aspiring writer, what would it be? #wbrowntalks -12:17 PM Jun 14th, 2011

wesbrownwriter @YoungWritersHub Vital. We try and offer at the Hub. It's a difficult career path, writers should know as much as they can #wbrowntalks -12:16 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub @wesbrownwriter You've mentioned knowledge of the industry. Would you say it's important to understand how the industry works? #wbrowntalks -12:14 PM Jun 14th, 2011

wesbrownwriter @YoungWritersHub The 'critical friendships', a knowledge of the industry and craft. The Squad to be replicated in the South #wbrowntalks -12:13 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub @wesbrownwriter How did The Writing Squad help you become a professional writer? #wbrowntalks -12:11 PM Jun 14th, 2011

wesbrownwriter @YoungWritersHub The Writing Squad, run by Danny Broderick and Steve Dearden was a great entry point #wbrowntalks -12:10 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub @wesbrownwriter Let's begin with your experiences as a writer. What was your first experience of professional writing? #wbrowntalks -12:07 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub His novel, Shark, is available on Amazon as well as an e-book which you can find here: http://amzn.to/liRifA #wbrowntalks -12:05 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub @wesbrownwriter has written one novel, Shark, and is in the process of writing a second novel, When Lights Are Bright. #wbrowntalks -12:03 PM Jun 14th, 2011

YoungWritersHub It's 12 o'clock! That means it's time for our chat with @wesbrownwriter. We'll be talking to him about books and publishing. #wbrowntalks -12:01 PM Jun 14th, 2011

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