Tue 16 July 2024
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Writing in Education - Vol. 52 - Writing for Children

In this issue:

Author in Residence
Marcus Sedgwick writes about his role at Bath Spa University, sponsored by the Business Support Unit.
Bath Children’s Literature Festival Blog
Julia Green chronicles her time as writer-in-residence.
Booked Up, Booktrust and Barbecued Sausages
Steve Voake provides encouraging news about reading for pleasure in schools.
Creating Ignorance
Robert Hull challenges the literary diet served up in schools.
Foyle Young Poets
Carole Bromley and Tani Burns introduce the work and reflections of this year’s winning authors.
Growing Older
Tony Eaton considers young adult fiction coming of age.
In Conversation with Anna Perera:
Andrew Melrose talks to the author of Guantánamo Boy.
Molecules of Hope
Gillian James discusses an Aimhigher project at Salford University, in which students decided to write about hope for young cancer patients.
Notes from the Bookseller Children’s Conference
Janine Amos presents the event’s key messages.
Pete Morgan Tribute
NAWE members remember Pete Morgan (1939-2010)
The Multimedia Picture Book
Alyson Morris describes her students’ use of PowerPoint in creating stories for children.
When Things Are Meant to Be
Alexandra Diaz charts her success as a children’s author since completing her MA.
Writing and Submitting Poetry for Children
Roger Stevens offers some essential advice.

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