Sat 22 February 2025
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Writing in Education - Vol. 37 - Writing & Gender


In this issue:

A Trades Union for Poets? Don't Be Daft
Leo Aylen makes the case for for writers receiving the support they deserve when faced with financial injustice.
Gendered Constructions of Writing in Education
Becky Francis shares her extensive research into the differences between boys' and girls' reading and writing.
Gendering Creativity and Accountability: teaching writing for performance
Susan Bradley Smith writes about her experience of running an online course at Southern Cross University, Australia.
Gendering Poetry
Vicki Bertram demonstrates the working of gender dynamics in poetry, with reference to work by Simon Armitage and Vicki Feaver.
Manchester Survivors' Poetry Women's Project
Rosie Garland chronicles the history of this group, including both problems and success.
Paradox or Poem?
Susanna Gladwin, formerly the Writing Programme Leader at Middlesex University, responds to a session at the NAWE Conference on Gender and Writing in Education.
Seen and Heard - a Brush with Words
David Hart describes how poets have responded to paintings, with reference to a recent Border Poets project.
Taking the Plunge
Anne Caldwell reports on the Pilot Shadowing/Training Scheme for Writers in Schools, a partnership project between NAWE and Manchester Metropolitan University.
Teacher as Writer
Cliff Yates provides some useful guidance for teaching poetry in the classroom, drawing on his own early and more recent experience.
Transcending the Barriers
Nicole Moore writes about the role of the Black Women's writers' group in reclaiming and expanding culture and community.
What Did I Do Yesterday?
Robert Hull asks some challenging questions about the impact of the work of writers in schools and outlines the benefits of a longer-term approach.
Wise Words
Rose Flint reflects on her work with women's writing groups in the community and healthcare settings.
Women's Empowerment through Group Voices
Debjani Chatterjee champions the group poem as a focus for women's writing groups, with reference to her work with Punjabi Indian women in Derby.
Writing: how writers can help boys and girls learn
Heather Butler describes her workshop, based on recent research, given at the NAWE Conference on Gender and Writing in Education.

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