Thu 13 March 2025
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Writing in Education - Vol. 61 - Writing and Dementia

In this issue:

And So It Goes On
Susanna Howard shares her one-to-one work with poet James Berry.
Blogging on Dementia
Ming Ho explains her personal reasons for creating a conversation online.
Caught in a devil and a dark blue sea
Lucy Whitman discusses some of the challenges of editing prose produced by people with dementia.
Dementia Tales from the Tyne
Romi Jones writes about a series of partnership projects in the North East.
Illuminating the Present
Cheryl Moskowitz looks at how the poet and the dementia sufferer have much to offer one another.
In the Pink in Herefordshire
Jacqui Row describes her introduction to working in this field at the Courtyard Centre for the Arts.
On Not Making Sense
Philip Cowell explores a Living Words anthology and the “non-sense” making at the heart of much poetry.
People with dementia and language use
Danuta Lipinska offers her observations on the subtle yet significant shifts that take place.
Karen Hayes reflects on her experience of writing a libretto, working with people with dementia.
The Pontio Dementia and Creative Writing Project
Jerry Hunter reports on a bilingual project and the particular cultural potency of poetry in Wales.
Walking Back to Words
Andrew McMillan presents his work as a poet with stroke survivors living with aphasia.

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