Creative and Critical Writing in the A-Level Classroom
Jane Bluett provides an account of current options with the English Language and Literature courses, and considers what further additions might be made.
Creativity versus Anonymity
Robert Hull makes a plea for real reading, real writing, questioning the merits of the current Literacy Strategy.
Doctoring Creative Writing
Calum Kerr gives a personal insight into the creative/critical balance within PhDs, based on his hypertext version of 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde'.
Helping Learners Link the Critical and the Creative
Neil Rutledge considers the implications for the teaching of Creative Writing from Learning Theory
How Did I End Up Like This?
Lucy Collins and Kathy Flann focus on integrating critical and creative processes.
Judgement and Development
Sarah Wardle, in a paper delivered at NAWE's 'Writer as (Self) Critic' conference, reflects on the creative rewards of critical awareness.
Making the Abstract Concrete
Susanna Gladwin injects a taste of Indiana Jones into the doctoral thesis.
Jan Woolf outlines her work with children at risk of exclusion and those considered 'Gifted and Talented'.
The Future of Creative Writing within A-Level
Ben Knights offers his survey of the issues, and puts forward some specific recommendations.
The Morning after the Night Before
Mike Harris, in a paper delivered at NAWE's 'Writer as (Self) Critic' conference, explains why writers and critics make uneasy bedfellows.
Theory, Practice, or a Theory of Practice
Pamela Johnson, in a paper delivered at the NAWE 'Writer as (Self) Critic' conference, helps to clarify some 'critical confusion'.
What if they chuck it in the river, Miss?
Christian McEwen describes her work with pupils at the Firth of Forth as part of the Raploch Regeneration Project.