Wed 12 March 2025
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Writing in Education - Vol. 69 - Teaching Creativity

In this issue:

Donde Estan? Translations from the dark, Argentina, 1976–79
Robert Hull presents his poems written for Robert Cox.
I just want to go see my camels!
Sarah Penny recounts her creative use of drama and narratives to involve FGM-affected women in research design.
Learning and teaching creativity
Louise Tondeur asks "how" rather than "should".
Teaching the art of re-creation
Ginna Brock outlines her approach to creative writing through critical reading.
Testing Times for Schoolchildren
Robert Hull explains the problems with the current regime.
The Boat Is Coming (Part 3)
Andy Melrose concludes the series with attention to adscititious narratives.
The Inner Playground
Kate Pawsey considers play as a stimulant to creativity.
The Ring
Catherine Bruton describes the writing of a collaborative novel with 11–18 year-olds.
The significance of creative writing workshops for teachers
Daniel Xerri stresses the importance of teachers positioning themselves as writers.
Wild writing and free-range teaching
Kevan Manwaring puts forward the benefits of an “anti-outline”.

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