Tue 16 July 2024
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Writing in Education - Vol. 81 - Summer 2020

In this issue:

Creative Contribution - Microclimate #1
by Ceri Morgan
Summer 2020 BOOK REVIEWS
Book Reviews
A Missing Climate
Shreyasi Sharma discusses making space for creative writing in the Indian Education System
A Pandemic & Creative Non-Fiction
Rachel Wright explores using the Covid-19 Pandemic to spark student creative non-fiction writing
Be the Best Boss you never had
Jon Sayers provides the third article in our series on self-care
Matthew Tett tries to make sense of Covid-19 and being in Lockdown
Female Students & Male Protagonists
Alec McAulay considers why femail creative writing students choose male protagonists
Lockdown Lessons
Francis Gilbert's article on teaching and working during the Covid-19 crisis
Task Force
John Hegley on Finding Inspiration
Tech and Fiction
A discussion on multimodal writing experiences in a creative writing research group from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande Do Sul(PUCRS) in Brazil
The Writer's Block
Jane Pugh explores responses and reflectins on Covid-19 and the Lockdown
The Writer's Mixing Desk
Elen Caldecott shares a writing exercise for reading and writing prose
X Summer 2020 BOOK REVIEWS

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