Wed 22 January 2025
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Writing in Education - Vol. 27 - Poetry


In this issue:

A Conspiracy of Writers
David Hart describes his work on a Creative Writing Summer School for Gifted and Talented Youth.
A Paradox in History
Lindsey Collen describes the peculiar 'oppression' whereby Mauritians are deprived of their own language.
Back to My Roots - a journey of writing discovery
Jayne Winteringham takes the Cardiff route to becoming a writer.
Location, Location, Location - one writer's journey from the US to the UK
Kathy Flann charts her relocation from Illinois to Lancashire.
Models and Templates in the Writing Seminar
David Greenslade offers a personal approach to the dichotomy of 'expression' and 'craft'.
Tagore in 'English' Classrooms - a practical approach
Usha Kishore explains the value of using multicultural texts in schools.
The Great Cardiff Poem/Cerdd Fawr Caerdydd
Susan Richardson writes about this uniquely ambitious project.
The Importance of the Performance of Poetry
Keith Bennett invites us to take part in his research.
The Pleasure of Poetry - a call for debate
Maggie Butt urges other members to join her in a plea for a more creative approach to poetry in schools.
Three to the Power of Three
Victoria Field chronicles her work for the Kernow Education Arts Partnership in Cornwall.
Workshopping Alea's Well
David Lambert provides a detailed account of his particular methods.

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