Tue 11 March 2025
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Writing in Education - Vol. 32 - HE Case Studies

In this issue:

A Day in the Life of a PhD Student
Gill James writes about studying for a PhD in Creative and Critical Writing at the University of Wales, Bangor, with tutor Graeme Harper.
Becoming a Novelist
Nicola Monaghan writes about studying on the MA in Writing at Nottingham Trent University.
Before - plodding, After - published
Lynette Craig writes about studying on the MPhil in Writing at the University of Glamorgan with tutors Tony Curtis, Sheenagh Pugh and Matthew Francis.
Changing Habits
Sarah Salway writes about studying on the MA in Writing at the University of Glamorgan and a PhD in Imaginative Writing at Liverpool John Moores University. Tutors: Jenny Newman and James Friel.
Coming up with the goods
Carolyn Thomas writes about studying on the Postgraduate Diploma in Dramatic Writing at the University of Sussex with tutor Richard Crane.
Creative Writing Can Change Your Life
Adam Raoof writes about studying on the BA and MA in Writing (Prose Fiction) at Middlesex University with tutor Maggie Butt.
Helen Shay writes about studying the Online MA in Creative Writing (Novel) at Manchester Metropolitan University.
Developing as a Writer
Beth Lomas writes about studying on the Postgraduate Diploma in Writing for Performance at the Arden School of Theatre, City College Manchester, with tutor Alison Jeffers.
Digging Deeper
Lucy Banwell writes about studying on the Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Writing and Personal Development at Sussex University with tutor Celia Hunt.
Hungry for it
Geraldine Green writes about her creative writing studies at university: BA, Imaginative Writing/Literature, Life & Thought, Liverpool John Moores University. Tutor: Dr Aileen la Tourette. Postgraduate Research Diploma, Ecopoetics, Liverpool John Moores University. Tutor: Pam Morris. MA, Creative Writing, Lancaster University. Tutor: Graham Mort.
Keeping Afloat
Carolyn Waudby writes about studying on the MA in Writing (part-time) at Sheffield Hallam University with tutor Sean O'Brien
More than a dream
Carolyn Veldmeijer writes about studying on the BA in Professional and Creative Writing at St Mary's University College with tutor Robyn Bolam.
Not the Only Precious Thing
Vivien Jones writes about studying on the MA in Creative and Cultural Studies at the University of Glasgow with tutor Tom Pow.
Pinning the Tail on the Donkey
Scott Anthony writes about studying on the MA in Writing at Warwick University with tutor Michael Hulse.
Poetry, Form, Experiment
Sibylle Bonaert writes about studying this online course run by the Department of Lifelong Learning, University of Exeter, with tutor Bill Greenwell.
Putting in the hours
James Walker writes about studying on the MA in Writing at Nottingham Trent University with tutor David Belbin
Righting Myself
Vicki Austin writes about studying on the English with Creative Writing BA at St Martin's College, Lancaster, with tutors Kathy Flann and Carole Coates.
Structure and Encouragement
Anna Woodford writes about studying on the MA in Writing Poetry at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne with tutors W N Herbert, Desmond Graham and Jackie Kay.
The Balance of Work and Life
Jon Stone writes about studying on the MA in English Literature with Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia with tutor Paul Magrs.
What I Do Now
Marianne Wheelaghan writes about studying on the Online MA in Creative Writing at Lancaster University with tutor Linda Anderson.
Writer as Researcher
Emma Hardy writes about studying on the MA in Creative Writing at the University of Leeds.

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