Sat 22 February 2025
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Writing in Education - Vol. 51 - Ed. Samiei


In this issue:

A Chocolate Box of Short Stories
Fiona Linday presents the results of her lunchtime writing club.
A UK First and a World Second in Published Collaborative Writing
Sarah Lucas charts the success of a school writing group project.
Chichester Young Playwrights
Anna Jefferson describes a project run by New Writing South.
Contingencies - Poetry on the Letters Page
Paul Mills introduces work that he has written specifically for local newspaper publication.
Nurturing Talent in Young Writers
Mandy Ross asks "What's the best way?"
Online Teacher in Residence
Philippa Cochrane of Scottish Book Trust introduces a project with Michael Stephenson, Lucy Young and Linda Cracknell.
Poetic and Musical Gaps - on the page and in the air
Judy Kendall explores what musical and poetic composition have in common.
Speaking for the Thunder and the Rain
Roselle Angwin discovers the rewards of working on the beach.
Tackling Academic Writing
David McVey ponders the necessities of academic 'style'.
'Teaching Poetry' - or reading and writing poems?
Robert Hull treads the line between a 'simple' and 'scary' business.
The Extra Bronte
Katrina Naomi reflects on her residency at the Brontë Parsonage Museum.
Using writing to motivate change
Jess Moriarty and Paul Moriarty consider the social responsibility of the writer, educator and student.
Writing Marathons
Moy McCrory explains the importance of creating silent, creative spaces for students.

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