Mon 31 March 2025
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Writing in Education - Vol. 67 - Ed. Jess-Cooke

In this issue:

A Speech of Birds
Victoria Field writes about her poetry walks and workshops in “the Blean”, in conjunction with the Royal National Institute for the Blind.
Creative Classics
Francis Gilbert details his use of 19th century literary fiction to stimulate creative writing in the classroom.
Echolocating in the World of Words
Shelley Tracey describes her work facilitating writing groups for people with sight loss.
Going Virtual, or Keeping It Real
Tyler Keevil reflects on developing an online Creative Writing module at the University of Gloucestershire.
Outstanding in our Field
Anne Grange recounts her experience teaching Creative Writing at Bearded Theory Music Festival.
Residing in Writing
James Cole gives an insight into his work as Writer in Residence at the Arts University Bournemouth.
The “Start Writing Fiction” MOOC
Derek Neale portrays the reality of teaching an Open University class of twenty-five thousand.
The Boat Is Coming
Andrew Melrose introduces his new project with artist Stephanie Morris, addressing the public perception of asylum seekers.
The Max Reinhardt Literacy Awards
Claire Collison describes her work with the Grove Primary School at Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge.
What Happens Next?
Barbara Henderson reflects on “writing as referendum” for reluctant readers, with publisher Fiction Express.
Where I’m calling from
Michael Loveday offers an account of running a writing group for the housebound by conference call.

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